- 1. That arrangement suits me fine.
- 那种安排对我很合适。
- 2. Visits are by prior arrangement.
- 参观需要事先安排。
- 3. Are you happy with that arrangement?
- 你对这一安排感到满意吗?
- 4. The arrangement was only intended as a stopgap.
- 这种安排不过是权宜之计而已。
- 5. He professed to be content with the arrangement.
- 他表示对该安排满意。
- 6. It was a nifty arrangement, a perfect partnership.
- 这既是个绝佳的安排,又是个完美的合作。
- 7. Many people have expressed their dissatisfaction with the arrangement.
- 许多人表示对这一安排不满。
- 8. Murray and Alison came to some sort of loose arrangement before he went home.
- 在他回家之前,默里和艾莉森做了些松散的安排。
- 9. The arrangement was more a formality than a genuine partnership of two nations.
- 这种安排与其说是两国间真正的伙伴关系的表现,还不如说是装样子。
- 10. So everyone put their heads together and eventually an amicable arrangement was reached.
- 因此大家集思广益并最终作出了妥善的安排。
- 11. I arranged to pay him the dollars when he got there, a purely private arrangement. All the same, it was illegal.
- 我安排好了,他到那儿就付给他钱,纯粹的个人安排。同样,这是违法的。
- 12. The Chicago and Northwestern Railroad wouldn't go along with that arrangement and said it would shut down completely.
- 芝加哥西北铁路公司不同意那项安排并说要彻底停止。
- 13. The company operates an arrangement whereby employees may select any 8-hour period between 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. to go to work.
- 该公司做出了一种安排,据此员工可以在上午6点到晚上8点之间任意选择8个小时去上班。
- 14. She doesn't agree to this arrangement.
- 她不赞同这个安排。
- 15. This arrangement has a lot of advantages.
- 这种安排有很多好处。
- 16. They seem to be happy with the arrangement.
- 他们似乎对这个安排很满意。
- 17. Huck, it's the stupidest arrangement I ever see.
- 哈克,这是我见过的最愚蠢的安排。
- 18. He has made every arrangement to meet any emergency.
- 他已经做好了遇到任何应急事态的一切准备。
- 19. The grandfather was well pleased with the arrangement.
- 爷爷对这样的安排很满意。
- 20. Emma and her classmates like the new classroom arrangement.
- 艾玛和她的同班同学们喜欢新的教室安排。
- 21. The arrangement of light industry in the province needs adjustment.
- 那个省的轻工业布局需要调整。
- 22. The arrangement of the light industry in the province needs adjustment.
- 那个省的轻工业布局需要调整。
- 23. I fully agree to the arrangement and take delight in it [take it with delight].
- 我完全赞成并乐于接受这一安排。
- 24. The easy rhythm and pop arrangement even instill a feeling of musical eroticism.
- 轻松的旋律和流行音乐的安排甚至逐渐注入了一种音乐的情色的感觉。
- 25. Firms pay staff less because firms carry the burden of the employment arrangement going wrong.
- 公司支付给员工的工资也变得更少,因为公司要为雇佣安排承担容错成本。
- 26. We made a special arrangement for mother's birthday party, which will definitely be a surprise.
- 我们为妈妈的生日聚会做了特别的安排,这一定会是个惊喜。
- 27. The change cut their expenditures in half, but the new living arrangement proved too challenging.
- 这一变化使他们的开支减少了一半,但新的生活安排太具有挑战性了。
- 28. It was easier for Wu Liang to discuss with students in class after the new classroom arrangement.
- 布置新教室之后,吴亮与班上的学生讨论就更方便了。
- 29. We must break the news to all of you that the event is cancelled because of the venue arrangement.
- 我们必须告诉各位这个坏消息,活动因为场地安排原因被取消了。
- 30. That accident totally upset our arrangement and caused a lot of problems, which we found difficult to turn over.
- 这次事故彻底打乱了我们的安排,造成了很多问题,我们发现很难处理。