- 1. Alexander McQueen in 2010 released a set of armadillo shoes.
- 亚历山大·麦克奎恩在2010年发布了一套犰狳鞋。
- 2. Architect Robin Partington has the Gherkin, the Razor (right), the Armadillo in Glasgow, and the Cucumber (above) on his CV.
- 建筑师罗宾·帕丁顿的简历上有小黄瓜,剃刀(右),格拉斯哥的犰狳和黄瓜(上)。
- 3. I have never seen the armadillo.
- 我从来没有看过犰狳。
- 4. The rental shop is all out so he rents an Armadillo costume instead.
- 服装租赁店里的圣诞老人服装早已没有存货了,罗斯租了一件犰狳服装。
- 5. Termites are an important part of the diet of the nine-banded armadillo .
- 图片中的这个家伙是一只九带犰狳,白蚁是它最主要的食物。
- 6. The giant armadillo, by far the largest of the armadillos, can weigh more than 60 pounds.
- 巨型犰狳石目前发现的最大的犰狳,重量可以超过60磅。
- 7. In this final installment of Armadillo Knight, you can choose to play as either sidekick m...
- 在这最后一批的犰狳骑士,你可以选择扮演任助手米。
- 8. A startled armadillo jumps straight into the air with an initial velocity of 18 feet per second.
- 一只受惊的犰狳以18英尺每秒的速度跳向空中。
- 9. So, a small number of patients in the South may be hearing the question: have you ever met an armadillo?
- 就像美国南部地区稀少的患者能听到提醒:你遇上麻风病了吗?
- 10. There are about 20 existing species of armadillo, which are identified by the number of bands on their armor.
- 现存的犰狳共有20种,可以通过它们外壳上盾板的数量来区别不同的种类。
- 11. The corpses appear to be mostly sow bugs, those little armadillo creatures who live to travel flat out in houses, and die round.
- 这些尸体大部分是小飞虫,这些小东西生前在屋子里横冲直撞,然后死于网中。
- 12. Some 850 species of birds have been identified and rare species such as the giant otter and the giant armadillo also find refuge there.
- 此处已发现八百五十多种鸟类以及罕见的巨型水獭和庞大的犰狳等动物。
- 13. Glass bands create an innovative facade structure resembling armadillo skin and vary the depth of the protrudent part of floors along the curved sides.
- 玻璃带创建一个全新的立面结构,它类似犰狳的皮肤,以不同的深度沿曲线两侧伸出楼层。
- 14. Aiming to use meat proteins developed in a lab as building material, Joachim presented a digital rendering of an armadillo-shaped, kidney-coloured home.
- 他的目标是要用实验室培养的肉类蛋白质来做建筑材料。乔金展示了一座形状类似蜥蜴的,有着肝脏颜色的房子的数字图像。
- 15. "Fuleco", the Official Mascot, a three-banded armadillo from the eastern part of Brazil. He will be 14 years old by the time of the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
- “弗莱古”,来自巴西东部的三斑穿山甲,作为巴西世界杯的官方吉祥物,截止2014年巴西世界杯为止,它已经14岁了。
- 16. The premise of the game is simple. You are an armadillo that not only has to avoid cars, trucks & motorcycles but also snakes, wolves and obstacles as well.
- 这款应用很简单。你是一只犰狳,不仅要躲避汽车,卡车及摩托车,还要闪避蛇,狼与障碍物。
- 17. This runs into the thousands, so we will only list a few - redwood trees, dolphins, bird species, wild flowers, comical creatures such as the armadillo, the polar bear, and land tortoises.
- 由于数量巨大,只列举几个---红木树,海豚,鸟类,野生花卉,例如犰狳这样滑稽动物,北极熊,和陆地龟。
- 18. This runs into the thousands, so we will only list a few - redwood trees, dolphins, bird species, wild flowers, comical creatures such as the armadillo, the polar bear, and land tortoises.
- 由于数量巨大,只列举几个---红木树,海豚,鸟类,野生花卉,例如犰狳这样滑稽动物,北极熊,和陆地龟。