- 1. A new crisis has arisen.
- 新危机已经出现。
- 2. The controversy has arisen over the text of the preamble to the unification treaty.
- 就统一条约的序文措词出现了争论。
- 3. New social problems have arisen due to the unfair distribution of the social wealth so far.
- 到目前为止,社会财富分配不公平,导致出现了新的社会问题。
- 4. Many problems have arisen when prices of the house rose sharply, which is beyond the ordinary people's buying capacity.
- 当房价急剧上涨,超出了普通人的购买能力时,很多问题出现了。
- 5. The idea of a world population crisis is therefore unlikely, although population pressure might have arisen in some areas.
- 尽管在一些地区可能出现了人口压力,世界人口危机是不太可能发生的。
- 6. A vacancy has arisen which I intend to fill.
- 我想接任的职位已经空出来了。
- 7. There was no positive evidence that any birth defects had arisen as a result of Vitamin A intake.
- 没有确凿证据表明摄入维生素A会导致先天缺陷。
- 8. Also included will be any variations that have arisen from volcanic activity, solar activity, and, possibly, human activities.
- 这还将包括火山活动、太阳活动,可能还有人类活动引起的任何变化。
- 9. The young pale wind-flowers had arisen by the wood, and under the hazels, when perchance the hot sun pushed his way, new little suns dawned and blazed with the real light.
- 嫩白的风信子盛开在树林中,在榛树下,当强烈的阳光照耀着它时,像太阳似的花朵突然绽放,并带着灿烂的光芒。
- 10. Between the Macphails and the Davidsons, who were missionaries, there had arisen the intimacy of shipboard, which is due to proximity rather than to any community of taste.
- 麦克菲尔一家和身为传教士的戴维森一家在船上早已亲密无间,这是由于他们走进彼此,而不是因为任何志趣的共享。
- 11. A new problem has arisen.
- 出现了新问题。
- 12. A great clamour has arisen around the question of peace or war.
- 是和是战,闹得甚嚣尘上。
- 13. These paralogous genes have arisen by repeated duplication of an ancestral gene.
- 这些平行进化同源基因是通过重复复制祖先基因而产生的。
- 14. A large number of disputes relating to switching BS/L have arisen in the past few years.
- 近年来,有关转换提单的争议很多。
- 15. It has arisen for two main reasons.
- 其中原因有以下两个。
- 16. Meanwhile, new problems have arisen.
- 与此同时,也在不断涌现新的问题。
- 17. A great opportunity for change has arisen.
- 伟大变革的契机正在兴起。
- 18. In some cases land tenure problems have arisen.
- 在某些情况下,已经产生土地所有制问题。
- 19. And at the age of 20, his opportunity had arisen.
- 在他20岁那年,他的机会出现了。
- 20. This is not the first time the question of a litmus test has arisen.
- 试金石这个问题已经不是第一次提出来的了。
- 21. From this promiscuous breed, that race now called Americans have arisen.
- 由这种混杂而繁衍产生了一个现叫作美国人的种族。
- 22. America must counter the rigidities that have arisen after its asset bust.
- 美国必须抵制使用自资产泡沫破灭后产生的僵化式处理方法。
- 23. But confusion has also arisen because of the unusual genesis of the crisis.
- 但之所以出现混淆,这场危机非同寻常的起源也是一个原因。
- 24. At the end of the experience, take some time to work with whatever has arisen.
- 在这场体验的最后,花一点时间来处理发生的一切。
- 25. Theobald's study does not address how many times life may have arisen on Earth.
- 西奥·博尔多的研究并未提出生命可能在地球上出现了多少次。
- 26. For Dallas, the diminutive J. J. Barea, who is 6-feet, has arisen as a key cog.
- 达拉斯这边,巴里亚这个只有6尺高的小个子已经俨然成为球队的关键一环。
- 27. For Dallas, the diminutive J. J. Barea, who is 6-feet, has arisen as a key cog.
- 达拉斯这边,巴里亚这个只有6尺高的小个子已经俨然成为球队的关键一环。