- 1. These archaeological findings are part of the national patrimony.
- 这些考古发现属于国家文物。
- 2. On that issue, Hunt and Lipo say, archaeological evidence backs up Rapanui folklore.
- 关于这个问题,亨特和利普说,考古证据支持了拉帕努伊的民间传说。
- 3. The work fills (in) a gap which has hitherto existed in our archaeological literature.
- 这部著作填补了我国考古学文献中的一个空白。
- 4. Pretty much all of what we know about the Botai comes from three archaeological sites.
- 我们对博泰人的了解基本来自于三个考古遗址。
- 5. But all the archaeological projects found plenty of bird bones and even tiny bones from fish.
- 但所有的考古项目都发现了大量鸟类的骨头,甚至还有鱼的小骨头。
- 6. All the archaeological projects found plenty of bird bones—and even some tiny bones from fish.
- 所有的考古项目都发现了大量鸟类的骨头,甚至还有一些鱼的细小骨头。
- 7. Most archaeological sites, however, are discovered by archaeologists who have set out to look for them.
- 然而,大多数考古遗址都是由那些寻找它们的考古学家发现的。
- 8. I mentioned Jewelry. Jewelry have been found in Mesopotamia and at archaeological sites in modern-day Pakistan.
- 我提到了珠宝。在美索不达米亚和现代巴基斯坦的考古遗址都发现了珠宝。
- 9. Study of the origins and distribution of human populations used to be based on archaeological and fossil evidence.
- 对人类种群起源和分布的研究曾是基于考古和化石证据。
- 10. Now, one mystery regarding this site is that archaeological records show it was inhabited for only a few centuries.
- 现在关于这个遗址的一个谜团是,考古记录表明,它只存在了几个世纪。
- 11. Archaeological finds of nuts from the extinct Easter Island palm show tiny grooves, made by the teeth of Polynesian rats.
- 从已灭绝的复活节岛棕榈坚果的考古发现中可以看到由波利尼西亚老鼠的牙齿形成的小凹槽。
- 12. Thanks to new environmental and archaeological discoveries, we now know something about this remarkable change in local life.
- 由于环境和考古方面的新发现,我们现在对当地生活的这种显著变化有所了解。
- 13. Surveys and test samples have also become important for understanding the larger landscapes that contain archaeological sites.
- 调查和测试样本对了解包含考古地点在内更大规模的景观也变得非常重要。
- 14. Most archaeological sites have been located by means of careful searching, while many others have been discovered by accident.
- 大多数的考古遗址都是通过仔细的搜寻定位到的,也有许多是偶然发现的。
- 15. Discussions began early in 2005 with archaeological bodies, universities and heritage organisations either side of the Channel.
- 早在2005年,英吉利海峡两岸的考古机构、大学和文物保护组织就开始了(对该项目的)讨论。
- 16. Dates given for the migrations should nevertheless be treated with caution, except where supported by hard archaeological evidence.
- 除非有确凿的考古证据支持,否则我们应谨慎对待给出的迁徙日期。
- 17. Such sales would provide substantial funds for the excavation and preservation of archaeological sites and the publication of results.
- 这种出售将为考古遗址的挖掘和保存以及成果的公布提供大量资金。
- 18. At any rates, that conversation got me thinking about archaeological finds that really changed our understanding of ancient civilizations.
- 无论如何,那次谈话让我想到了一些考古发现,它们确实改变了我们对古代文明的理解。
- 19. Recent archaeological evidence suggests that Chinese farmers concocted an alcoholic brew of rice, honey, grape, or hawthorn 9000 years ago.
- 最新的考古证据说明,中国的农民在9000年前用稻米、蜂蜜、葡萄或山楂酿造酒。
- 20. Archaeological excavations indicate that the Rapanui went to heroic efforts to protect the resources of their wind-lashed, infertile fields.
- 考古发掘表明,拉帕努伊人为了保护他们狂风肆虐的贫瘠土地上的资源,付出了英勇的努力。
- 21. The traditional date of its founding is 814 BC, but archaeological evidence suggests that it was probably settled a little over a century later.
- 传统上,它的建立日期是公元前814年,但考古证据表明,它可能是在那一个多世纪之后才完成建立的。
- 22. Furthermore, as the archaeological record shows, the state of health of agriculturalists was worse than that of their contemporary hunter-gatherers.
- 此外,正如考古记录所显示的那样,农学家的健康状况比他们同时代的采猎者还要差。
- 23. Archaeological evidence was beginning to suggest a Bronze-Age community straddling the Channel, brought together by the sea, rather than separated by it.
- 考古证据开始指向一个横跨(英吉利)海峡的青铜时代聚落,它是被大海连接的,而不是被大海分开。
- 24. A beautifully preserved boat, made around 3,000 years ago and discovered by chance in a muddy hole, has had a profound impact on archaeological research.
- (考古学家)在一个泥泞的洞里偶然发现了一艘大约3000年前制造的保存完好的船只,其对考古学研究产生了深远的影响。
- 25. Two- and three-dimensional maps are helpful tools in planning excavations, illustrating how sites look, and presenting the results of archaeological research.
- 二维和三维地图是规划挖掘工作的有用工具,可以描绘遗址的外观,并展示考古研究的结果。
- 26. Archaeological study of wood charcoal found in hearths dating to the various episodes of occupation indicated that the species use changed in a patterned way.
- 考古研究发现,在壁炉中发现的木炭可以追溯到不同的时期,这表明物种的用途发生了模式上的变化。
- 27. Interest in the project grew, and in 1979, The Mary Rose Trust was formed, with Prince Charles as its President and Dr Margaret Rule its Archaeological Director.
- 人们对这个项目的兴趣与日俱增,1979年,玛丽·罗斯基金会成立,由查尔斯王子担任主席,玛格丽特博士担任考古主任。
- 28. The archaeological evidence clearly indicates, though, that Teotihuacán was the center that did arise as the predominant force in the area by the first century A.D.
- 然而,考古证据清楚地表明,特奥蒂瓦坎是一个中心,在公元一世纪崛起成为该地区主导力量。
- 29. Unfortunately, it is in the nature of the archaeological evidence, which is almost invariable only a sample of what once existed, that such figures will always be elusive.
- 不幸的是,从考古学证据的性质来看,这类人物总是难以捉摸的,因为考古学证据几乎是一成不变的,只是曾经存在过的东西的一种样品。
- 30. Some archaeological sites have always been easily observable—for example, the Parthenon in Athens, Greece; the pyramids of Giza in Egypt; and the megaliths of Stonehenge in southern England.
- 一些考古遗址一直很容易被观察到——例如,希腊雅典的帕特农神庙、埃及吉萨的金字塔以及英格兰南部的巨石阵。