- 1. The terrain changed quickly from arable land to desert.
- 这里的地形很快由耕地变为沙漠。
- 2. He had nearly a thousand acres of grazing and arable land.
- 他拥有近千亩的牧场和可耕地。
- 3. To feed the larger population, humans need to obtain arable land, so there is a massive clearing of trees.
- 人类为了养活比以前更多的人口,需要获得可耕地,因此大量砍伐树木。
- 4. To feed the larger population, humans need to obtain arable lands, so there is a massive clearing of trees.
- 为了养活更多的人口,人类需要获得可耕地,因此大量的树木被砍伐。
- 5. Just 25 per cent of the country's land is suitable for crop growing, most of which is already occupied by arable fields.
- 中国只有25%的土地适合种植农作物,其中大部分已经被用作耕地。
- 6. He farmed 200 acres of prime arable land.
- 他耕种了200英亩良田。
- 7. Mrs. Arable found a baby's nursing bottle and a rubber nipple.
- 阿拉布尔太太找出了一个婴儿奶瓶和一个橡皮奶嘴。
- 8. Each settler is given a self-contained complete unit with residential, arable and grazing lot.
- 给每个定居者一个独立的完整的单元住宅,耕地和牧场。
- 9. Now in India, 63 percent of land is arable.
- 现在的印度,63%的土地是可耕地。
- 10. Time to go exploring for metals and arable land to grow wheat, soybeans, rice.
- 目前是时候去勘探各种金属矿藏及开发耕地以种植小麦、大豆、水稻。
- 11. Analysts believed several major factors contributed to the arable land loss.
- 分析人士认为耕地流失是由好几个因素造成的。
- 12. Farmers, after all, have alternatives, even those who cannot turn to arable.
- 毕竟农场主有选择的余地,即使是针对那些不可耕种的土地。
- 13. Dairy cows that are eating grass and clover as part of mixed-arable rotation.
- 进食杂草及苜蓿的奶牛如同混合耕地循环的一部分。
- 14. In the gulf, and elsewhere, demand for arable land is growing, while supply is shrinking.
- 在海湾地区,以及世界各地,对耕地的需求越来越大,同时供应却在缩小。
- 15. That's about 1.4 percent above the minimum requirement for arable land, says the ministry.
- 那大约已经超过最低可耕地要求1.4个百分点。
- 16. The old farmer owns a piece of arable land on which he has grown fruit trees for 25 years.
- 那位老农拥有一片可耕地,他在这片土地上种了25年的果树。
- 17. The FAO puts its total potential arable land at over 400m hectares; only 50m is being used.
- 世界粮农组织将巴西潜在可用土地面积定位在400多万公顷;而现在才用了50万公顷。
- 18. China has about 40 per cent of the world's farmers but just 9 per cent of the world's arable land.
- 中国农民数量占全世界的40%左右,而耕地面积仅占9%。
- 19. Despite many warnings of doom, yields of arable crops have grown remarkably in the past half-century.
- 尽管有很多失败的警告,耕种作物的产量在过去50年明显地增加。
- 20. Besides safeguarding their interests, the latest plan also preserves strict limits on the transfer of arable land.
- 新土地改革决定在保护农民的利益的同时还对可耕种土地的流转做出了严格规定。
- 21. Harmony and order are also essential because the Japanese have always been jammed together on small patches of arable land.
- 因为日本人长久以来依靠很少的耕地谋生,和谐与秩序也是不可或缺的。
- 22. Rising sea levels and the associated intrusion of salt water are likely to reduce the amount of arable land even further.
- 上升的海平面和有关的海水侵入很可能会进一步减少可耕种土地的数量。
- 23. The livestock sector is already eligible for carbon finance, but we have made no such progress for arable agriculture and soils.
- 畜牧业已经符合碳金融的条件了,但是,我们还没有为可开垦的农业和土壤方面做出这样的努力。
- 24. Mongolia is the 18th largest country in the world by area. However, it has very little arable land: much of its area is grassland.
- 蒙古是18世纪世界上面积最大的国家,不过蒙古的可耕地面积非常少,大部分都是草地。
- 25. Much of the world's arable land is being farmed already, so the lion's share of the increase will need to come through higher yields.
- 世界上大多数可耕地都已经种植,所以大部分增长的份额只能依靠高的产量来完成。
- 26. Much of the world's arable land is being farmed already, so the lion's share of the increase will need to come through higher yields.
- 世界上大多数可耕地都已经种植,所以大部分增长的份额只能依靠高的产量来完成。