- 1. You have to take capital appreciation of the property into account.
- 你得将那个房产的资本增值考虑进来。
- 2. The aim is to inculcate businesspeople with an appreciation of different cultures.
- 其目的是教导商界人员学会欣赏不同的文化。
- 3. They differ in their appreciation of music.
- 他们对音乐的鉴赏力不同。
- 4. Yeah, I've taken film appreciation in high school.
- 是的,我在高中曾上过电影欣赏课程。
- 5. There's a lack of appreciation for trial and error.
- 缺少对尝试和失败的欣赏。
- 6. It is possible to combine entertainment with appreciation of serious art.
- 将娱乐同鉴赏严肃文艺结合起来并非不可能。
- 7. This can help develop understanding, acceptance and appreciation of diversity.
- 这有助于培养他们对多样性的理解、接受和欣赏的能力。
- 8. It would, however, be foolish to reduce art appreciation to a set of scientific laws.
- 然而,将艺术欣赏归结为一套科学规律是愚蠢的行为。
- 9. This showed that they were awaking to an appreciation of life and its joys once more.
- 这表明他们正再次醒悟,开始欣赏生活及其乐趣。
- 10. I'm writing to show my sincere appreciation for the book you gave it me before you left China.
- 你在离开中国之前给我送了那本书,谨写此信以表达我衷心的感谢。
- 11. In this way, people can gain a better understanding and appreciation of peoples all over the world.
- 这样,人们可以更好地了解和欣赏世界各地的人民。
- 12. China's soft power grows in line with the increasing appreciation and understanding of China globally.
- 随着全球对中国的日益了解和欣赏,中国的软实力也随之增强。
- 13. This is particularly distressing because time seems to be a vital factor in the appreciation of all art forms.
- 这是特别令人苦恼的,因为在所有艺术形式的鉴赏过程中,时间是一个至关重要的因素。
- 14. When I applauded, I guess I was showing my appreciation for his skill, the hours of practicing he must have put in.
- 当我鼓掌的时候,我想我是在表达对他技巧的欣赏,他一定花了很多时间来练习。
- 15. I should convey my appreciation to my high school teachers, without whose help I wouldn't achieve such a big success.
- 我应该向我的高中老师表示感谢,没有他们的帮助我不可能取得如此巨大的成功。
- 16. To live in the United States today is to gain an appreciation for Dahrendorf's assertion that social change exists everywhere.
- 今天生活在美国,是对达伦多夫关于社会变革无处不在的主张的赞赏。
- 17. In the eyes of Fudan University's Mr. Yu, foreign visitors to the Expo will accept the pajama fashion with tolerance and appreciation
- 在复旦大学的于先生看来,来参观世博会的外国人将以宽容和欣赏的态度接受睡衣时尚。
- 18. I want to express my appreciation to all of my friends for their support, especially to Martin Miller, for being there when I needed him.
- 我想感谢所有支持过我的朋友,特别感谢马丁·米勒,感谢他在我需要的时候在我身边。
- 19. It is easy to imagine that this mentality would have even more impact on a fuzzy concept like art appreciation, where there is no right or wrong answer.
- 很容易想象到,这种心态会对像艺术欣赏这样的模糊概念产生更大的影响,因为它没有正确或错误的答案。
- 20. The epic has a high academic value, aesthetic value and appreciation value and is an encyclopaedia for the study of ancient Tibetan society winning the title of "Eastern Homer's Epic".
- 该史诗包含了藏民族文化的全部原始内核,具有很高的学术价值、美学价值和欣赏价值,是研究古代藏族社会的一部百科全书,被誉为“东方的荷马史诗“。
- 21. Examples of factual writing include notes on a book jacket, or album cover and longer pieces, such as an article describing a style of music, which you might read in a music appreciation course.
- 纪实写作的例子包括书皮上或专辑封面上的笔记,以及篇幅较长的文章,比如一篇你可能在音乐鉴赏课上读到过的描述某种音乐风格的文章。
- 22. She shows little appreciation of good music.
- 她感受不到美好音乐的妙处。
- 23. I had no appreciation of the problems they faced.
- 我没有体谅到他们所面临的困难。
- 24. They had rushed in without adequate appreciation of the task.
- 他们没有充分了解这项任务就仓促行动了。
- 25. Please accept this gift in appreciation of all you've done for us.
- 承蒙鼎力相助,不胜感激,谨备薄礼,敬请笑纳。
- 26. This absolutist belief is replaced by an appreciation that rules can vary.
- 这种绝对主义的信念被规则可以变通的认识所取代。
- 27. They have a stronger appreciation of the importance of economic incentives.
- 他们对经济激励的重要性有了更深的了解。
- 28. He expressed his appreciation for what he called Saudi Arabia's moderate and realistic oil policies.
- 他表达了对他所称的沙特阿拉伯温和而务实的石油政策的感激。
- 29. Students usually show their respect and appreciation with games, competitions, dramas, dance or little presents.
- 学生们通常通过游戏、比赛、戏剧、舞蹈或小礼物来表达他们的尊敬和感激。
- 30. The day is celebrated by students to show their appreciation for their teachers with flowers, thank-you cards and other gifts.
- 在这一天,学生们用鲜花、感谢卡和其他礼物来表达对老师的感激之情。