- 1. They have been living under the most appalling conditions for two months.
- 他们在最骇人听闻的条件下生活了两个月。
- 2. After that appalling things happened, and the mysteriousness of the morning was explained to Mary.
- 可怕的事情发生后,玛丽就知道了早晨的秘密。
- 3. Her dress sense is appalling.
- 她的着装品位让人汗颜。
- 4. The bus service is appalling now.
- 现在公共汽车服务很差。
- 5. Sanitary conditions are appalling.
- 卫生条件非常恶劣。
- 6. I developed an appalling headache.
- 我得了严重头疼。
- 7. His grammar is appalling.
- 他运用语言的能力糟透了。
- 8. "It's appalling."—"It is. I agree."
- “这糟透了。”—“对。我同意。”
- 9. To be blunt, your work is appalling.
- 坦率地说,你的活干得糟透了。
- 10. I am an absolutely appalling speller.
- 我的拼字能力简直糟透了。
- 11. She suffered appalling burns to her back.
- 她背部受了严重烧伤。
- 12. People are living in appalling conditions.
- 人们生活在极其恶劣的环境中。
- 13. The manners of many doctors were appalling.
- 许多医生很没礼貌。
- 14. The prisoners were living in appalling conditions.
- 囚犯的居住条件极为恶劣。
- 15. The incompetence of government officials is appalling.
- 政府官员的无能令人吃惊。
- 16. The country is notorious for its appalling prison conditions.
- 这个国家因监狱状况恶劣而臭名远扬。
- 17. Helicopters fly in appalling weather to succour shipwrecked mariners.
- 直升机在相当恶劣的天气下救助船舶失事的海员们。
- 18. Nothing will change as long as the workers continue to accept these appalling conditions.
- 只要工人继续容忍这种恶劣的劳动条件,情况就不会有任何改变。
- 19. His courage was almost appalling.
- 他的勇气真是惊人。
- 20. This month's accident is appalling.
- 这个月发生的坠机事件骇人听闻。
- 21. The results of explosion were appalling.
- 爆炸的结果是很可怕的。
- 22. Haiti is a powerful and appalling example.
- 海地是一个强有力的令人发指的例子。
- 23. Can this explain the appalling brutality of the conflict?
- 这能否解释这场冲突为何如此残暴?
- 24. I thought he was shameless... I thought it was appalling.
- 我觉得他太无耻了……我认为简直是令人发指。
- 25. In what has he wronged you, to warrant this appalling hatred?
- 他有什么事得罪了你,惹起这么怕人的仇恨?
- 26. Others say it was because he was appalling at foreign languages.
- 另外也有说他是因为对外语障碍的担忧。
- 27. Aid agencies say sanitary and sleeping conditions have become appalling.
- 救援机构表示,那里的卫生和睡眠条件令人震惊。
- 28. Successive parliamentary inquiries have revealed appalling examples of waste.
- 几番议会听证已经显出骇人听闻的浪费例证。
- 29. Successive parliamentary inquiries have revealed appalling examples of waste.
- 几番议会听证已经显出骇人听闻的浪费例证。