- 1. the Jerusalem Post denounced him as an apostate.
- 耶路撒冷邮报也批评他变节。
- 2. Both of these strategies were used extensively during the 1260 years by the apostate church.
- 在1260年的背道时期,这两种策略都被广泛使用过。
- 3. The great apostate had succeeded in exalting himself "above all that is called God, or that is worshiped."
- 这大背道者在高抬自己“超过一切称为神的,和一切受人敬拜的”事上,已经成功了。
- 4. Some support him but most call him an apostate or lament that he and his friends do not tackle issues such as poverty.
- 一部份人对他表示支持,但大部分人要么认为他是一个叛教者,要么对他及他的朋友不去关心贫困问题(而是在处理这些问题)表示痛心。
- 5. However according to Mr Mashai, it is only a matter of time before "certain people are calling Ahmadinejad an apostate."
- 不过,用马沙伊先生的话来说,离“某些人称内贾德为叛变者”只是时间问题。
- 6. They also hated me because I was an apostate, a white southern Protestant who could appeal to the very people they had always taken for granted.
- 他们恨我,还因为我是一个“放弃信仰者”、一个南方的白人新教教徒,我可能会影响他们自以为一直忠心于他们的选民。
- 7. His blood had imprinted itself upon the very stones of the temple court, and could not be erased; it remained to bear testimony against apostate Israel.
- 他的血流在圣殿院子里的石头上,血迹永远不能磨灭,一直留在那里作为以色列叛道的见证。
- 8. Anyone who permits men and women to work or study together is an apostate and should be put to death unless he repents, said Sheikh Abdulrahman al-Barrak.
- 任何敢于允许男人和女人在一起工作或学习的人,都是叛教者,应当被处死,除非他作出忏悔,谢赫·阿卜杜阿赫曼·阿尔巴拉克表示。
- 9. After a long and severe conflict, the faithful few decided to dissolve all union with the apostate church if she still refused to free herself from falsehood and idolatry.
- 经过长期剧烈的争战之后,少数忠实的信徒认为如果这叛道的教会不肯放弃虚伪和拜偶像的罪,他们就决意和她割断一切关系。
- 10. After a long and severe conflict, the faithful few decided to dissolve all union with the apostate church if she still refused to free herself from falsehood and idolatry.
- 经过长期剧烈的争战之后,少数忠实的信徒认为如果这叛道的教会不肯放弃虚伪和拜偶像的罪,他们就决意和她割断一切关系。