- 1. These books, therefore, stand in the relation of Apocrypha to the Jewish Canon.
- 这些书籍,因此,站在关系的伪经犹太佳能。
- 2. Although New Testament apocrypha go into these details, some quite extensively.
- 尽管在新约的伪经进一步详细地写这些细节,一些还写得十分广阔。
- 3. Jealousy and anger shorten life, and anxiety brings on old age too soon. — Apocrypha.
- 外国经典名人名言嫉妒和愤怒缩短生命,而担忧使人过早衰老。——阿波克拉拂。
- 4. Why do you give me this tainted Apocrypha, this thousandth copy, this inept falsification?
- 为什么给我这本污损过的伪经,这第一千次的抄本,笨拙的伪造?
- 5. And yet there need be no hesitation in relegating the Fourth Book of Esdras to the ranks of the apocrypha.
- 然而,有需要时毫不犹豫地降级的第四本书的埃斯德拉斯到队伍的伪经。
- 6. And some of these works are referred to as the Apocrypha — so you will have heard that term.These are writings that were composed somewhere around here, sort of 200 BCE to 100 CE.
- 因为其中一些作品被认为是《次经》,你们中的一些人听我提到过《次经》,这些作品是,大约在公元前200年到公元100年之间整理的。
- 7. And some of these works are referred to as the Apocrypha — so you will have heard that term.These are writings that were composed somewhere around here, sort of 200 BCE to 100 CE.
- 因为其中一些作品被认为是《次经》,你们中的一些人听我提到过《次经》,这些作品是,大约在公元前200年到公元100年之间整理的。