- 1. To maintain a balance, big "apex" fish may be as important as the small one.
- 为维持平衡,生态系统“顶点”的大鱼可能和小鱼一样重要。
- 2. They rigged up a tent-shaped scaffold directly above the tip of the horizontal column, with pulleys suspended from the scaffold's apex.
- 他们在水平立柱的顶端正上方安装了一个帐篷状的脚手架,在脚手架的顶端悬挂滑轮。
- 3. Those hanging from every wall, or upon stands in the ground, are the works of those who came before them and reached the apex of their profession.
- 那些挂在每面墙上,或立在地面上的,是那些在她之前来,达到了艺术顶峰的前辈们的作品。
- 4. It's quite spectacular because here in the 1890s we have reached the apex of the Western classical orchestra, this big, beautiful, powerful instrument.
- 它非常壮观,因为在十九世纪九十年代,我们达到了西方古典管弦乐队的顶峰,这是一个巨大,美丽,有力的乐器。
- 5. At 37, she'd reached the apex of her career.
- 她在37岁时达到了事业的巅峰。
- 6. The hangar is 103 feet high at the apex of its roof.
- 飞机库顶最高点高103英尺。
- 7. Scientists hope they can turn things around for this important apex predator, meaning one that is on top of the food chain.
- 科学家们希望他们为这种重要的顶级捕食者——处于食物链顶端的捕食者扭转局面。
- 8. Part of a 65 metre long valley gutter relined with the Apex GRP In-Situ System.
- 65米长的斜沟槽的一部分与ApexGRP原位系统连接。
- 9. Obviously, the apex is the end goal.
- 很明显,它的顶点就是我们的最终目标。
- 10. It should follow the example of the new Apex Theater in the mall outside of town.
- 它应该借鉴城外商业街上新的Apex剧院的例子。
- 11. Another is that, to maintain a balance, big "apex" fish may be as important as small.
- 另一个教训是,为维持平衡,生态系统“顶点”的大鱼可能象小鱼一样重要。
- 12. To reach the apex of one's potential, one has to accomplish smaller goals and build skyward.
- 为了能够达到自己潜能的顶点,我们必须先去实现更小的目标并且搭建通往最终目标的天梯。
- 13. Not so, according to women I have interviewed who have reached the apex of their professions.
- 从我采访的那些已经达到事业顶点的女性来看并非如此。
- 14. The APEX data shows that material in the jet is traveling at about half the speed of light.
- APEX数据显示喷流中的物质正以一半光速的速度前进。
- 15. The newspaper said he believed he was the victim of a plot to ruin him at the apex of his popularity.
- 贝鲁斯科尼在报道中称他成为了一个受害者,有些人正试图在他的事业顶峰时期毁掉他。
- 16. Standing outside the hotel, craning my head skywards to its apex, I began to feel faintly nauseous.
- 我站在酒店门外抬头仰望楼顶,马上开始有些许想要呕吐的感觉。
- 17. One common way to evaporate wealth is divorce, and Jackson had two, both after the apex of his career.
- 让财富蒸发的一个常见方式是离婚——杰克逊离了两次婚,而且都是在他职业生涯的鼎盛时期过后。
- 18. Many crop circles, including this one in May 2009, have appeared near Silbury Hill, Wiltshire Photo: apex.
- 2009年5月,在威尔特郡锡尔伯里山附近出现包括这幅图在内的许多麦田怪圈。
- 19. On a piece of paper write down a goal that may take years to achieve with room for outlining from this apex.
- 在一张纸上写下一个需要几年才能完成的目标,不过给自己留些适当的余地。
- 20. This is, after all, what is happening in other places, though usually the changes start at the apex of the food web.
- 毕竟,这种情况在某些地方正在发生,尽管这种变化通常开始于食物链的顶端。
- 21. These goals should branch from the apex with difficult, but attainable accomplishments that may take months to a year.
- 这些初级目标必须是困难,但是可以实现的成果,也许需要几个月甚至一年去完成。
- 22. Contributing to the beautiful composition, meteor streak and church apex both gesture toward the North Celestial Pole.
- 流星尾迹和教堂塔尖都指向北极星,真是美不胜收。
- 23. The traditional leader at the apex then is given the critical responsibility of encouraging new leaders at every level.
- 处于高层的传统领导人则承担着鼓励各层次新晋领导人的重要职责。
- 24. When the Apex opened last year, it featured a video arcade, plush carpeting and seats, and a state-of-the-art sound system.
- Apex去年开业的时候,它拥有视听走廊,豪华地毯和座椅,以及最先进的音响系统。
- 25. A visit to Paris should include a day-trip to Versailles where French royalty brought the classical French style to its apex.
- 到巴黎的观光者大都会选出一天去凡尔赛,因为那里呈现了皇室所造就的法国古典文明的顶峰。
- 26. Mandates that Apex code hosted on its cloud platform includes "asserts" in order to ensure that code is behaving as required.
- 要求驻留在其云平台上的Apex代码包含“保证”,以确保代码按预期运行。
- 27. In theory, this is the moment when Putin should finally step down after a quarter of century at the apex of Russian power.
- 理论上,现在是普金离开他占据了四分之一个世纪的俄罗斯权力核心的时候了。
- 28. Thus, if the Rialto intends to hold on to its share of a decreasing pool of moviegoers, it must offer the same features as Apex.
- 因此,如果Rialto想在电影观众减少的情况下保持市场份额,它必须提供和Apex相同的设施和服务。
- 29. Thus, if the Rialto intends to hold on to its share of a decreasing pool of moviegoers, it must offer the same features as Apex.
- 因此,如果Rialto想在电影观众减少的情况下保持市场份额,它必须提供和Apex相同的设施和服务。