- 1. They live in an apartment uptown.
- 他们住在市郊的一套公寓。
- 2. We rented an unfurnished apartment.
- 我们租了一套不带家具的公寓。
- 3. She gave the apartment a once-over.
- 她匆匆扫视了一下那间公寓。
- 4. I've got a pleasant little apartment.
- 我有一套舒适的小公寓。
- 5. He was given a new rent-free apartment.
- 他得到了一个新的免租金公寓。
- 6. Marsani moved into the upstairs apartment.
- 玛萨妮搬进了楼上的公寓。
- 7. Music blared from the apartment behind me.
- 音乐声响亮刺耳,从我身后的房间传了出来。
- 8. Fran decided to spring-clean the apartment.
- 弗兰决定把房间彻底打扫一下。
- 9. I invited him back to my apartment for coffee.
- 我请他回我的公寓喝咖啡。
- 10. The apartment building was lavishly decorated.
- 这幢公寓楼装修豪华。
- 11. They found a little two-room apartment to rent.
- 他们找到一所小两室的公寓租了下来。
- 12. I couldn't sell the apartment, so I let it out.
- 我不能把公寓卖掉,因此把它出租了。
- 13. The rewiring of the apartment ran very smoothly.
- 给公寓重新布线的工作进展得很顺利。
- 14. He lives alone in a suspiciously tidy apartment.
- 他独自一人住在一套整洁得出奇的公寓里。
- 15. He showed me the apartment he shares with Esther.
- 他指给我看他和埃斯特合住的公寓。
- 16. We spent a week in a gruesome apartment in Miami.
- 我们在迈阿密一套糟糕透顶的公寓里住了一星期。
- 17. He went to Toronto, where he leased an apartment.
- 他去了多伦多,在那里租了一套公寓。
- 18. When I first came here, I had a crummy apartment.
- 我刚来这儿时,曾住在一个糟糕的公寓里。
- 19. Christina has her own apartment, with her own car.
- 克里斯蒂娜有她自己的公寓,有自己的车。
- 20. Home for a couple of years was a studio apartment.
- 几年来的家就是一个单间公寓。
- 21. She shared the apartment with her live-in partner.
- 她和她的同居伴侣一起住在这个公寓里。
- 22. He rode uptown and made his way to Bob's apartment.
- 他骑车到市郊,来到鲍勃的公寓。
- 23. Their apartment is slap bang in the middle of town.
- 他们住的公寓恰巧在全城的中心。
- 24. Space is at a premium in a one-bedroomed apartment.
- 单居室公寓的空间是很有限的。
- 25. Prices are based on full occupancy of an apartment.
- 公寓租金按全部住满为基础计算。
- 26. We believe them to be hidden here in this apartment.
- 我们认为他们藏匿在这所公寓里。
- 27. I gave up my weekend to help him paint his apartment.
- 我耗费了一个周末帮他粉刷房间。
- 28. They had installed a new phone line in the apartment.
- 他们在公寓里安装了一根新的电话线。
- 29. A complete apartment complex was burned to the ground.
- 整座公寓大楼被烧成平地。
- 30. He appeared from the apartment directly below Leonard's.
- 他从伦纳德家正下方的公寓里走了出来。