- 1. He praised her role in the struggle against apartheid.
- 他赞扬了她在反对种族隔离制的斗争中所起的作用。
- 2. Mandela became a symbol of the anti-apartheid struggle.
- 曼德拉成为反种族隔离斗争的象征。
- 3. They linked up with a series of local anti-nuclear and anti-apartheid groups.
- 他们与一系列反对核武器及反种族隔离的地方团体联合起来了。
- 4. Apartheid used tribalism as the basis of its "divide-and-rule" homeland policies.
- 南非种族隔离制将部落制作为它对国土“分而治之”的政策基础。
- 5. Despite nearly a decade of positive discrimination since apartheid was dismantled, few black sportsmen have reached the top level.
- 尽管种族隔离被取消后采取了近十年的平权举措,几乎没有黑人运动员达到过顶极。
- 6. When apartheid is over the maladies will linger on.
- 种族隔离废止后,这种社会弊病还会继续。
- 7. The apartheid system which enshrined racism in law still existed.
- 以法律形式保护种族主义的种族隔离制度依然存在着。
- 8. Not all is gloom. Many more black children are getting at least some kind of formal instruction than under apartheid.
- 并不是一切都那么的糟糕,越来越多的黑人小孩至少在接受正式的教育,这比种族隔离时代要好——3/4的4-6岁孩童和98%的7-15岁孩子是全日制在校生,在过去的15年中黑人大学生的数量也增加了三倍。
- 9. Blacks, meanwhile, were dumped into inferior public schools whose mission during apartheid was to teach them to be servants.
- 与此同时,黑人学生则陷入困境,他们面对的是更差的公立学校,种族隔离时期,在那里,他们唯一的使命就是学会如何做个好仆人。
- 10. Mr. Cole’s photographs, a harrowing pictorial record once banned in apartheid South Africa, are being displayed at the Johannesburg Art Gallery.
- 科尔先生的这些照片是一组悲惨的图像记载,曾经在种族隔离的南非被禁,现在则被陈列在约翰内斯堡美术馆(Johannesburg Art Gallery)。
- 11. In the days of the struggle (against apartheid) we were singing, all through our history it's our ability to sing that inspired and drove the emotions.
- 在与种族隔离抗争的日子里,我们就在歌唱,它鼓舞了我们的士气,释放了我们的热情,这是一种贯穿我们历史的能力。
- 12. The university has been regarded as a bastion for Afrikaners, descendants of Dutch settlers who are often most closely linked with white apartheid rule.
- 这所大学被认为是南非白人的堡垒,他们是荷兰定居者的后代,这些人常常与白人种族隔离条例紧密联系在一起。
- 13. Our system of educational apartheid, whereby the richest 10 per cent or so buy themselves out of the state sector, is already the most unfair in Europe.
- 在我们的教育种族隔离制度下,大约百分之十最富有的人可以把自己买出公立机构,这已经在欧洲是最不公平的。
- 14. Sunshine will help. So will South Africa’s sporting culture, and its keenness for acceptance after the long years of the anti-apartheid sporting boycott.
- 南非阳光正灿烂,其运动文化对展示非洲亦有所裨益,以及多年反种族隔离斗争之后南非对外界认可的敏锐。
- 15. "If others had used the arguments we are using today when we asked them for their support against apartheid we might still have been unfree," he says.
- 当年,我们请求他国给予我们帮助以共抗种族隔离的时候,如果他们用我们今天的借口来搪塞的话,或许我们今天还没得到自由呢。
- 16. The result is the best-documented, most thorough, and most credible account ever offered of the secret marriage between the apartheid state and Israel.
- 其结果是一本有着详实、完全和可信的资料的书籍出炉,公开了以色列和当时南非之间的秘密婚姻。
- 17. A reference to Israel is, of course, implicit in this evaluation: a "multicultural" Israel has no chance to survive; apartheid is the only realistic option.
- 在这样的评价中,当然有一种对以色列的隐含的指涉:一个“文化多元”的以色列没有幸免的可能;隔离是唯一现实的对策。
- 18. When apartheid ended 15 years ago, 87% of commercial farmland was owned by whites and 13% by blacks-the exact reverse of their proportion of the population.
- 15年前结束种族隔离时,南非有87%的耕地归白人所有,黑人只占13%,而其人数所占比例却正好相反。
- 19. He negotiated peace in Northern Ireland, arms control with the former Soviet Union and pushed the U.S. to enact sanctions against apartheid-era South Africa.
- 他参与了北爱尔兰和平谈判,与前苏联的军控谈判,并推动美国对种族隔离时期的南非实施制裁。
- 20. To understand the effects of apartheid it is necessary to think of the daily lives of the people and the ways in which their lives are regulated by apartheid.
- 要理解种族隔离的影响,有必要思考一下人们的日常工作以及他们在种族隔离制度制约下的生活方式。
- 21. The material deprivations suffered by blacks under apartheid were bad enough. But the psychological damage is much deeper and more difficult to eradicate.
- 种族隔离之下,黑人们所遭受的物质剥削已经足够严厉,但是他们所受的精神摧残更为严酷也更难根除。
- 22. Spend a family-friendly afternoon at Johannesburg Zoo or dive into South African history at the National Museum of Military History or the Apartheid Museum.
- 花一个家庭友好的下午在约翰内斯堡动物园或进入南非历史在国家博物馆的军事历史或种族隔离博物馆。
- 23. Its setting is apartheid-style South Africa, a time and place that seems both close and yet distant, a paradox that film makers are now finding irresistible.
- 其场景带有南非族隔离时期的风格,时间和地点似乎给人一种既近在眼前又恍如隔世的感觉,电影的制作者们现在发现这种似是而非的东西令人无法抗拒。
- 24. Discrimination - "age apartheid" might be a better term - is one way to describe what's going on here: no country sorts its population more ruthlessly by age.
- 歧视-“年龄歧视”可能是一个更好的词-是一种可以描述发生在这里的事情的方法:没有国家比按年龄排序更残酷。
- 25. "I remember when I went to high school, within the first three months, I was involved in my first march against apartheid because the school was so bad," says Rasool.
- 拉苏尔大使:“我记得我上高中的时候,在头三个月里,我参加了我第一次反对种族隔离的游行,因为学校太糟糕了。”
- 26. Apartheid and the stripping of the right to vote from Indian and mixed-race voters were in part a National Party strategy to ensure it would win all future elections.
- 当年国民党实行种族隔离政策,剥夺印度裔和混血裔的投票权,都是确保现政权在未来的选举中获胜的手段。
- 27. South African Breweries in 1990 was a local brewer confined to its home country by anti-apartheid laws. Today it is one of the world’s three largest beer companies.
- 受制于国内反种族隔离法律的束缚,南非啤酒厂在1990年时只局限于满足于国内消费者,而今天它已成为世界三大啤酒厂之一。
- 28. That saves Shenzhen's mainly middle-class residents and the foreign companies based there a lot of taxes, but it also creates an almost apartheid-like class system.
- 正是他们替深圳主要中产阶级和外企节省了大量赋税,但是也几乎创造了一个类似种族隔离的社会阶层。
- 29. Since the end of the apartheid regime in 1994 more than 1,000 farmers and family members have been killed, an average of nearly 70 a year, according to official records.
- 根据官方数据显示,自1994年种族隔离体制结束以来,已经有超过1000个农民和其家庭成员被杀,平均每年70人,大部分都是布尔人,主要是荷兰移民的后裔。
- 30. That slogan was heard in apartheid South Africa, and in the 1960s in Northern Ireland, where Catholics said a property-based vote for local councils favoured Protestants.
- 这个口号出现在种族隔离的南非,以及1960年代的北爱尔兰,当时的天主教徒表示,以财产为基础的地方议会选举偏袒清教徒。