- 1. Hello, is there anybody there?
- 喂,那里有人吗?
- 2. Anybody can see that it's wrong.
- 随便哪个人都可以看出这是错的。
- 3. Is there anybody who can help me?
- 有人能帮我吗?
- 4. Don't you dare say anything to anybody.
- 谅你不敢对任何人提起这事儿。
- 5. He doesn't bloody care about anybody else.
- 他根本不关心别人。
- 6. Does anybody know the way to the bathroom?
- 有没有人知道到卫生间的路怎么走?
- 7. He doesn't give a shit about anybody else.
- 别人他谁都不放在心上。
- 8. If anybody wants to work on this, be my guest.
- 如果有人想做这件事的话,请便吧。
- 9. She dared not breathe a word of it to anybody.
- 她对任何人都只字不敢提及此事。
- 10. Constant criticism is enough to demoralize anybody.
- 频繁的批评足以使任何人意志消沉。
- 11. Anybody can use the pool—you don't need to be a member.
- 任何人都可使用这个游泳池,不必是会员。
- 12. He did more to rouse the crowd there than anybody else.
- 他比其他任何人都更卖力地鼓动那里的群众。
- 13. It takes in anybody regardless of religion, colour, or creed.
- 这个组织接纳任何人,不管其宗教、肤色或信仰。
- 14. The industry isn't regulated, so anybody can hang out a shingle.
- 这个行业无制度规范,所以任何人都可以开业。
- 15. He could mimic anybody, and he often reduced Isabel to helpless laughter.
- 他可以模仿任何人,而且经常逗得伊莎贝尔情不自禁地大笑。
- 16. You didn't want to ask anybody whether they agreed with what you were doing.
- 你不想问任何人他们是否赞同你在做的事情。
- 17. I cannot conceive of anybody writing a play by sitting down and mapping it out.
- 我无法想像有人能坐下来凭空想就写出剧本。
- 18. We are not trying to box anybody in, we are trying to find a satisfactory way forward.
- 我们不想限制任何人,我们在试图找到一个令人满意的解决方案。
- 19. Usenet is a collection of discussion groups, known as newsgroups, to which anybody can subscribe.
- 新闻组网络是由称为新闻组的讨论组组成,任何人都能申请加入。
- 20. He always was a miserable man. He never spoke to me nor anybody else, not even to pass the time of day.
- 他总是不友好。他从不和我说话,也不和别人说话,那怕是为了打发时光。
- 21. No, I won't ever tell anybody.
- 不,我永远不会告诉任何人。
- 22. You won't tell anybody at all?
- 你不会告诉任何人吧?
- 23. Why would anybody want so much ham?
- 为什么会有人想要这么多火腿?
- 24. You mustn't ever tell anybody--will you, Tom?
- 但是你千万不要告诉任何人——好吗,汤姆?
- 25. He never ate lunch with anybody, and he never talked to anybody but me.
- 除了我,他从不和任何人一起吃午饭,而且他从不和任何人说话。
- 26. I don't grovel to anybody.
- 我对谁都不会卑躬屈膝。
- 27. I haven't got anybody to play with!
- 没有人跟我玩儿!
- 28. Anybody who enjoys this is a masochist.
- 以此为乐的人就是自虐狂。
- 29. Can anybody think of a way to raise money?
- 谁能想出个集资的办法?
- 30. She wasn't anybody before she got that job.
- 她在获得那个职位之前不过是个无名之辈。