- 1. Anti-aircraft guns opened up.
- 高射炮开始射击。
- 2. Our anti-aircraft guns accounted for five enemy bombers.
- 我们的高射炮击落了五架敌人的轰炸机。
- 3. At times of completely undercast skies, the anti-aircraft fire was totally inaccurate when radar jamming was employed.
- 在完全阴天的情况下,采用雷达干扰时,防空火力完全不准确。
- 4. This is an anti-aircraft artillery.
- 这是一门高射炮。
- 5. A related medium anti-aircraft gun was Red Queen.
- 一种相似的中型高射炮是红色皇后。
- 6. Our sniper teams observed them manning an anti-aircraft gun.
- 我们的狙击队观看他们操作高射炮。
- 7. This is a multi-barrel heavy machine gun on an anti-aircraft mount.
- 图中为设置在高射机枪架的多管重机枪。
- 8. Rebel fighters fire an anti-aircraft gun near Bin Jawad March 5, 2011.
- 2011年3月5日,反叛军士兵在宾扎瓦德镇附近进行高射炮射击。
- 9. Our militia fired off volley after volley from anti-aircraft artillery.
- 我民兵的高射炮连续进行射击。
- 10. Inexperienced rebels have shot up their own cars with anti-aircraft fire.
- 经验不足的反抗军还用防空炮火击毁自己的车辆。
- 11. They fired anti-aircraft munitions from vehicle-mounted guns at buildings as they passed them.
- 他们沿路炸毁搁置在民房上的供车载武器使用的防空炮弹。
- 12. Libyan anti-aircraft guns have been opening up into the night sky, firing streams of tracer around.
- 利比亚高射炮也向夜空开火,发射了大量炮弹。
- 13. He said 12 rebels were killed in the fighting, in which rocket propelled grenades and anti-aircraft guns were used.
- 他还说12名叛军死于战斗,双方投入了火箭筒和高射炮。
- 14. Growlers are capable of not only finding and disrupting anti-aircraft radar, but also jamming enemy communications.
- Growler不但能够发现和干扰防空雷达,而且能够扰乱敌人的通信。
- 15. The bigger risk is what to do about all the weapons Gaddafi has stockpiled over the years, including anti-aircraft weapons.
- 最大的问题则在于如何对付卡扎菲在过去几十年所储备的包括反空隙武器在内的武器装备。
- 16. In the capital Tripoli, Gadhafi loyalists fired anti-aircraft guns into the air sporadically, amid reports of NATO airstrikes.
- 在首都的黎波里,卡扎菲的效忠者时不时地针对有关北约空袭的报告向空中发射高射炮。
- 17. Two pilots were killed when the plane was battered by waiting anti-aircraft fire and crashed, but Downey and Fecteau survived.
- 飞机遭到了埋伏已久的高射炮火的射击,两名飞行员遇难,飞机坠毁,唐尼和费克托有幸生还。
- 18. The lower bomber was hit by anti-aircraft fire after dropping its bombs, and plunged into the sea, killing both crew members. (USAF)
- 图片下方的轰炸机投弹之后被高射炮火击中坠入海中,2名机组人员丧生。
- 19. The visit came after unconfirmed reports that parts of the Russian S300 anti-aircraft system had been found on a ship bound for Iran.
- 此次访问是因为有不确定的报告称在一艘开往伊朗的船上发现俄罗斯s300防空系统的零件。
- 20. Defence experts sniff that a large, complex anti-aircraft system such as the S-300 simply can't be stuffed inside an old shipping container.
- 防务专家发现,像s- 300这种大型、复杂的防空系统根本无法装入陈旧轮船的货舱。
- 21. Witnesses reported multiple deaths from gunmen on rooftops and in the streets shooting at crowds with automatic weapons and even an anti-aircraft gun.
- 目击者证实屋顶上和街道中的枪手使用自动武器甚至防空炮向人群射击,已经造成多起死亡。
- 22. The checkpoint outside town was a paltry thing, with just a few anti-aircraft guns, a lot of trash, and a small throng of worried-looking young rebels.
- 城外的防御关卡就是个摆设,仅有几门防空火炮,一推废铜烂铁,和一小群忧心忡忡的年轻叛军。
- 23. You can't exclude the possibility that a missile could fall on Russia, " Said Aminov, editor of the Anti-aircraft Defence Digest, a Russian website, said today.
- 俄国网站“防空文摘”(Anti-aircraft Defence Digest)的编辑阿明诺夫(Aminov)今天说道。
- 24. Founded by a former British army major named Paddy Roy Bates in 1967, the Principality of Sealand occupies an abandoned anti-aircraft tower in the English Channel.
- 1967年,一个名叫帕蒂·罗伊·贝茨的前英国陆军少校在英吉利海峡占据了一个被人遗弃的防空塔,就此成立了锡兰公国。
- 25. Founded by a former British army major named Paddy Roy Bates in 1967, the Principality of Sealand occupies an abandoned anti-aircraft tower in the English Channel.
- 1967年,一个名叫帕蒂·罗伊·贝茨的前英国陆军少校在英吉利海峡占据了一个被人遗弃的防空塔,就此成立了锡兰公国。