- 1. He was floored by the announcement.
- 他被这个通告震惊得不知所措。
- 2. No formal announcement had been made.
- 尚无官方声明。
- 3. I have an important announcement to make.
- 我要宣布一件重要的事情。
- 4. The announcement raised a storm of protest.
- 这个声明引起了一场抗议风潮。
- 5. The announcement was made a short time ago.
- 这个通告是在不久前刚发布的。
- 6. The announcement caused uproar in the crowd.
- 公告在人群中引起了一阵骚动。
- 7. The announcement was not entirely unexpected.
- 这个通告并非完全出乎意料。
- 8. The announcement provoked a storm of protest.
- 这个声明激起了抗议的风潮。
- 9. The announcement was greeted enthusiastically.
- 这则通告受到了热烈的欢迎。
- 10. The announcement has been met with incredulity.
- 该公告受到了人们的质疑。
- 11. An announcement about his resignation is imminent.
- 马上就要宣布他的辞职。
- 12. He made the announcement in a speech on television.
- 他在一次电视讲话中发表了这一声明。
- 13. This announcement signalled a clear change of policy.
- 这个声明显示政策有明显的改变。
- 14. The announcement only succeeded in creating confusion.
- 那通告反而引起了混乱。
- 15. The announcement drew loud applause from the audience.
- 公告博得观众的热烈掌声。
- 16. She made her announcement after talks with the president.
- 她在与总统的会谈后发布了公告。
- 17. The announcement came after a meeting at the White House.
- 通告是在白宫的一次会议后发布的。
- 18. An official announcement is expected in the next few days.
- 一份官方声明预计会在接下来的几天内发表。
- 19. I was totally unprepared for the announcement on the next day.
- 我对次日的通告毫无准备。
- 20. The announcement unleashed a storm of protest from the public.
- 公告引发了一场公众的抗议风暴。
- 21. Announcement of the verdict was accompanied by shouts and cheers.
- 在一片喊叫和欢呼声中宣布了判决。
- 22. At this juncture , I would like to make an important announcement.
- 此时此刻我要宣布一项重要的事情。
- 23. This announcement is bound to shake the confidence of the industry.
- 这个声明必将动摇这一行业的信心。
- 24. We are now going over to the news desk for an important announcement.
- 我们现在转换到新闻部宣布一则重要消息。
- 25. Today's announcement of a peace agreement came after weeks of discussion.
- 经过几周的讨论之后,今天公布了和平协议。
- 26. The announcement of her retirement caused consternation among tennis fans.
- 她宣布挂拍告退的消息引起了网球迷的震惊。
- 27. Today's announcement ends months of speculation about the company's future.
- 今天的声明使得几个月来关于公司未来的种种猜测就此烟消云散。
- 28. There may be an announcement about this tomorrow—or not, as the case may be.
- 这件事明天可能有个声明,也可能没有,那要看情况了。
- 29. The announcement finally laid all the speculation about their future to rest.
- 通告最终消除了一切有关他们的未来的推测。
- 30. The announcement marks the end of an extraordinary period in European history.
- 这个声明标志着欧洲历史上一个伟大时代的终结。