- 1. I animadversion seriously he!
- 我严肃地批评了他!
- 2. This text is an animadversion to comment on an article.
- 本文是一篇批评性评论文章。
- 3. Marxs animadversion and surmounter to the thought of civic society of Hegel;
- 在黑格尔那里,市民社会是处在家庭和国家之间的差别的阶段。
- 4. The teacher gives public recognition, the animadversion has never appeared her name as well.
- 老师表扬、批评也从未出现过她的名字。
- 5. At all animadversion medium, the most great, the most right, most the that time of the genius.
- 在所有的批评中,最伟大、最正确、最天才的是时间。
- 6. Isn't good at long unfamiliar realm originally at an oneself, you of animadversion, bring me the huge help.
- 在一个自己本不擅长的陌生领域,你的批评,带给了我巨大的帮助。
- 7. This part does mainly the theoretical analysis about two basic category, mode of thinking and animadversion.
- 这一部分主要是在哲学层面上对思维方式和批判这两个基本范畴进行理论浅析浅析。
- 8. The big comes say, suffering to speak favorably the meeting happy, suffer the animadversion to can get angry.
- 大体来说,受到赞扬会高兴,受到批评会生气。
- 9. This kind of idea and thinking method has lost the significance of history criticism and moral animadversion .
- 这种观念与思想方式,其实已经减弱或干脆丧失了它应有的历史批判与道德批判的意义。
- 10. Mean that the esthetics, the art animadversion, art history, art creates comprehensive up from the course contents.
- 从学科内容上是指美学、艺术批评、艺术史、艺术创作的综合。
- 11. Thus animadversion is not merely a spirit or a consciousness, but a more fundamental mode of philosophical thinking.
- 因此,批判不仅仅是一种精神,一种意识,而是一种更为根本的哲学思维方式。
- 12. The theory of "comparative advantage trap" is based on the animadversion of the static theory of comparative advantage.
- “比较优势陷阱”理论是以批判比较优势理论静态性质为自己立论的。
- 13. The connotation of "supervision by public opinion" in China is different from the general meaning of media animadversion .
- 内容提要中国的“舆论监督”的内涵,与一般意义的传媒批评有所差异。
- 14. But, suffer in the "Barbie" public extensive welcome of at the same time, also suffered the animadversion from everyone's.
- 但是,在“芭比”受到公众广泛欢迎的同时,也受到了来自各方面的批评。
- 15. Ironize to make the reader understand the author to have intention to the animadversion for know, also increased fun for novel.
- 反讽使读者了解到作者有意识的批评,也给小说增添了乐趣。
- 16. Therefore, the process of civilization animadversion brings him another work to pursue for new historical subject at the same time.
- 所以在对发达工业社会的批判的同时也开始了他漫长的对历史主体的追寻过程。
- 17. This paper just analyses the consciousness of life via her story to show her understanding, animadversion, and inheritance in the tradition of culture.
- 本文就是通过对她的小说的生命意识的分析,来展现她对文化传统的理解、批判和继承。
- 18. Meanwhile, as a cultural space, Folk not only build up a new object for cultural animadversion but also provide another frame of reference when intellectuals pursue value.
- “民间”这一博大庞杂的文化空间的引进,为知识分子的反思和社会批判确立了又一个客体,更也为知识分子的价值追寻提供了另一种参照。
- 19. The commentary standpoint of textual and main animadversion is in the third part of "the outstanding problem of Chinese contemporary art" of the article can the body is now.
- 本文的主要批评性的评论观点在文章的第三大部分“中国当代艺术的突出问题”中得以体现。
- 20. Since the nineties of the twentieth century, there is an animadversion on the existing system of textbook in and out the educational circles which has brought a nationwide discussion.
- 二十世纪九十年代以来,语文教育界内外对现有的语文教材提出了批判,并由此引起了一场全国范围内的大讨论。
- 21. Since the nineties of the twentieth century, there is an animadversion on the existing system of textbook in and out the educational circles which has brought a nationwide discussion.
- 二十世纪九十年代以来,语文教育界内外对现有的语文教材提出了批判,并由此引起了一场全国范围内的大讨论。