- 1. Her Chinese friends referred to the empress as their venerable ancestor.
- 她的中国朋友们称那位皇后是令他们尊敬的祖先。
- 2. Their ancestor is different from that of micro bats.
- 它们的祖先与微型蝙蝠的祖先不同。
- 3. My ancestor was a preacher, traveling around the countryside.
- 我的祖先是一位游历于乡间的传教士。
- 4. The common detailed design found among the pinnipeds probably indicates a common ancestor.
- 在鳍足类动物中发现的共同的细节设计,这可能说明了它们有一个共同的祖先。
- 5. There is only one explanation for that at the molecular level, which is a common ancestor.
- 对分子水平只有一种解释,那就是共同的祖先。
- 6. There's the whole idea—we've already given you some sense that the Greeks were ancestor worshippers.
- 这就是整个观点——我们已经给了你们古希腊人对祖先甚是尊敬的感觉。
- 7. They share a more recent ancestor with Drosera sundews, which can also curl their leaves over their prey.
- 它们与毛毡苔有着更近代的祖先,毛毡苔也可以将树叶卷起来盖住猎物。
- 8. Explorer Roy Chapman Andrews argued at the time that the whale must be a throwback to a land-living ancestor.
- 探险家罗伊·查普曼·安德鲁斯当时认为,鲸鱼一定是一种返祖的陆地生物。
- 9. Talbot's "calotype" was the first negative-to-positive process and the direct ancestor of the modern photograph.
- 塔尔博特的“卡罗式摄影法”是第一种用负片洗印正片的方法,这种方法是现代摄影技术的直系鼻祖。
- 10. Look to many of history's cultural symbols, and there you'll find an ancestor of Frosty, the snowman in the movie Frozen.
- 看看历史上许多的文化符号,你会在那里找到《冰雪奇缘》中弗罗斯特的祖先。
- 11. The common ancestor is, however, too recent for the new species to be a remnant of the first human excursion from Africa.
- 然而,共同的祖先对于新物种又太现代,而不能作为来自非洲的人类首次远足的遗迹。
- 12. Northup has many descendants, who gathered together in Saratoga Springs on July 24, 1999, for a tribute to their ancestor.
- 诺瑟普有很多后代,1999年7月24日,他们聚集在萨拉托加斯普林斯,向他们的祖先致敬。
- 13. There is evidence that all modem turtles are descended from a terrestrial ancestor which lived before most of the dinosaurs.
- 有证据表明所有现代海龟都有陆生的祖先,他们比大部分恐龙还古老。
- 14. Since they believe themselves to be descended from that ancestor, it would be like eating that ancestor or eating themselves.
- 因为他们相信自己是那个祖先的后裔,这就像吃那个祖先或吃自己一样。
- 15. Venus flytraps, for example, share an ancestor with Portuguese sundews, which only catch prey passively, via "flypaper" glands on their stems.
- 例如,维纳斯捕蝇草和葡萄牙茅膏菜有共同的祖先,后者只通过茎上的“捕蝇纸”腺体被动地捕捉猎物。
- 16. They seem all to be descended from the same bland and adorable ancestor, a wide-eyed, thin-lipped soul with barely any nose and a mane of bouclé hair.
- 他们都像从一种温和的,可爱的祖先进化来的,这种动物眼睛大大的,嘴唇很薄,几乎没有鼻子,带着毛茸茸的绒毛。
- 17. It suggested that all living things were related, from the beetle to the lotus, and that everything descended ultimately from a single common ancestor.
- 它表明所有的生物都是相关的,从甲虫到莲花,所有的生物都是由一个共同的祖先进化而来。
- 18. Aristotle is considered the ancestor of the varying sorts of thought about form, and it's this move that he makes in Poetics that engenders this possibility.
- 亚里士多德被认为是各种形式思想的始祖,正是他在《诗学》中做出的这一举动,才产生了这种可能性。
- 19. This method tells you all information you need to know: whether one node is descendant of an ancestor of the other, whether it is before or after, and so on.
- 这个方法告诉您所有想知道的信息:一个节点是否是另一个节点的祖先的后代,它是在前面还是后面呢,等等。
- 20. From a detailed analysis of the salamanders' family tree, however, it is clear that the other lineages evolved from an ancestor that itself had lost the ability to metamorphose.
- 然而,通过对蝾螈族谱的详细分析,我们可以清楚地看到,其他谱系分支是从一个本身已经失去了变形的能力的祖先演化而来的。
- 21. Rather than merely a sign, it is the root from which we can trace back to our ancestor, the tie that helps bind us to other members of the same clan, the dignity most people hope to live for.
- 它不仅仅是一种标志,更是我们可以追溯到祖先的根源,是将我们与同族其他成员联系在一起的纽带,是大多数人希望为之而活的尊严。
- 22. Unfortunately this revelation about the hippopotamus apparently contradicts the fossil record, which suggests that the hippopotamus is only a very distant relative of the whale, not an ancestor.
- 很不幸,关于河马的这一发现显然与化石记录相矛盾,化石记录表明河马只是鲸鱼的一个远亲,并不是祖先。
- 23. Many species have diverged from a single ancestor.
- 许多物种都是同宗演变而来的。
- 24. The ancestor of the modern bicycle was called a penny-farthing.
- 现代自行车的原型称作penny-farthing(一种前轮大后轮小的自行车)。
- 25. The direct ancestor of the modern cat was the Kaffir cat of ancient Egypt.
- 现代猫的直系物种原型是古代埃及的卡菲尔猫。
- 26. He, along with the Yan Emperor (Yandi), is considered to be the ancestor of all Chinese people.
- 他和炎帝被认为是所有中国人的祖先。
- 27. We can say today that this university is a direct ancestor of the platonic republic of Plato's Academy.
- 我们现今可以说,这间大学的直系祖先是柏拉图学院的柏拉图式共和国。
- 28. You can call that ancestor-worship if you wish, but it gives to the paper an astonishing momentum of thought and principle.
- 如果你愿意,可以称之为祖先崇拜,但是它给了这份报纸一种惊人的思想和原则动力。
- 29. There are two main groups of bats, which are believed to have evolved independently of each other, but both from a common ancestor.
- 蝙蝠主要有两大类,人们认为它们是各自独立进化的,但都来自同一个祖先。
- 30. Beyond: The Last Common ancestor.
- 超越:最后的共同祖先。