- 1. Prints a single ampersand.
- 打印一个单一的符号。
- 2. Why ampersand is used in copy constructor?
- 为什么连字号用于复制构造函数?
- 3. The ampersand identifies the parameter as the holder of a code block.
- 该符号将参数识别为代码块的持有者。
- 4. That's the syntax you see with the ampersand before the parameter name.
- 这是您在参数名称以前与符号一同看到的语法。
- 5. A single ampersand is displayed in the caption and no characters are underlined.
- 这样标题中会出现单一连字号,且不会在字元中加上底线。
- 6. You can encode special characters in XML, too. For instance, an ampersand is encoded like this.
- 也可以用XML对特殊字符进行编码。
- 7. The initials of the name are combined to create a puffy ampersand that resembles a rising dough.
- 名字的英文缩写,是结合起来,创造一个浮肿的符号,类似于一个上升的面团。
- 8. They use the percent (%) symbol instead of the ampersand, and can be either named entities or external entities.
- 它们使用百分号(%)而不是与字符,可以是命名实体或外部实体。
- 9. One thing to note in this particular output is that you replace any bare ampersand (&) characters with the word "and".
- 这里要注意的是其中的与符号(&)都换成了单词 “and”。
- 10. Finally, we put the whole lot in parentheses to make a command list and put the entire list in the background using an ampersand.
- 最后,我们将所有代码放在一对圆括号中构成一个命令列表,然后使用与号将整个列表放到后台。
- 11. The ampersand applies to the next character in the name and causes the character to be underlined when the menu item is displayed.
- 和符号应用于名称中和符号旁边的字符,使得在显示菜单项时该字符有下划线。
- 12. If you want to make sure both conditions are true and they both have to be true for any code to be executed, use ampersand ampersand.
- 如果你想保证两个条件都成立,或者它们两个都必须为真值,才能执行一些代码,那就使用“&&
- 13. You can stack those up by simply adding an ampersand (&) between successive name/value pairs, like this: name=jennifer&job=president.
- 只需简单地在连续的名称/值对之间添加一个 “与” 符号(&),即可将其放在一起,就像这样:name=jennifer&job=president。
- 14. Y I'm not passing an x and I'm not passing a Y, &y I'm passing an ampersand x and ampersand y and can you take a guess as to what the ampersand operator must mean?
- 我不是传递X,也不是传递,我传递的是&x和,你们可以猜一猜,这个&符号是什么意思?
- 15. Most XML and HTML developers are familiar with entity references, the odd little XML constructs you often see that begin with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;).
- 大多数XML和HTML开发人员都熟悉实体引用,一种常见的有点奇怪的 XML结构,以& 符号开始,以分号 (;)结束。
- 16. To set up an entity, create a name for it, and type it within your content, starting with an ampersand (&) and ending with a semicolon (;)—for example, &coname; (or whatever you name it).
- 为了设置实体,必须先为它创建一个名称,然后将它输入到内容中,以and 符号(&)开始,并以分号(;)结束 —例如,&coname;。
- 17. The only special character that has given me a problem is the ampersand, so I have restricted my translation to that one character rather than use a shotgun htmlentities() function approach.
- 惟一为我带来问题的一个特殊字符是 and符号,所以我只需处理该字符而没有采用htmlentities()函数的方式。
- 18. The only special character that has given me a problem is the ampersand, so I have restricted my translation to that one character rather than use a shotgun htmlentities() function approach.
- 惟一为我带来问题的一个特殊字符是 and符号,所以我只需处理该字符而没有采用htmlentities()函数的方式。