- 1. Squash was once thought to offer all-round fitness.
- 壁球曾一度被认为可以提供全面的健康。
- 2. He demonstrated the all-round skills of a quarterback.
- 他展示了一个四分卫的全面技能。
- 3. The counter argument suggests that education is the key for the all-round development of children.
- 对立的观点则认为,教育是儿童全面发展的关键。
- 4. However, the counter-argument suggests that education is the key to the all-round development of children.
- 然而,相反的观点认为,教育是儿童全面发展的关键。
- 5. She's a good all-round player.
- 她是个优秀的全能选手。
- 6. He is a great all-round player.
- 他是一位杰出的全能运动员。
- 7. Nowadays, cycling is regarded as one of the best all-round forms of exercise.
- 如今,骑自行车被认为是最好的全能运动形式之一。
- 8. Nowadays, cycling, along with jogging and swimming, is regarded as one of the best all-round forms of exercise.
- 如今,骑自行车、慢跑和游泳被视为最好的全身运动方式。
- 9. It is so large at 182 degrees that both eyes together offer all-round vision and even overlap at the front, creating an effect like binoculars.
- 视野大到182度的两只眼睛合在一起形成了全方位视野,甚至在前方重叠,产生了像双筒望远镜一样的效果。
- 10. My personal opinion is that the all-round development of scholars is only possible when the educational institutions provide them with a wide range of learning opportunities.
- 我个人的观点是,只有教育机构为学者提供广泛的学习机会,他们才能全面发展。
- 11. The dissertator figures out that promoting the all-round development of people must be the key respect.
- 本文认为,促进人的全面发展应当是文化建设的着眼点。
- 12. He boasted to the up-country woman that he was an all-round man.
- 他对外乡女人夸海口说他是多面手。
- 13. Certainly, no all-round knowledge can be acquired merely by glancing this way and that and relying on hearsay.
- 东张西望,道听途说,绝然得不到什么完全的知识。
- 14. Party building has been strengthened in an all-round way.
- 党的建设全面加强。
- 15. All-round services on International language and cultural exchanges.
- 提供国际语言文化交流的综合平台服务。
- 16. Enhancing all-round capabilities is the correct way forward to a prospective career.
- 全面提高综合能力才是拥有成功事业的正确途径。
- 17. They will issue a joint statement on deepening China-Greece all-round strategic partnership.
- 双方将发表《中希关于深化全面战略伙伴关系的联合声明》。
- 18. The competition includes all-round events and team events, also scored over each apparatus.
- 比赛设置包括全能和团体,仍然在器械上比赛得分。
- 19. They've built a high fence all round to keep intruders out.
- 他们在周围竖起了高高的围墙,以防外人进入。
- 20. By the end, bodies were strewn all round the building.
- 最后,大楼四周遍布着死尸。
- 21. She looked all round the room.
- 她将房间四下打量了一下。
- 22. He stood drinks all round.
- 他请客,让大家喝了饮料。
- 23. She bought drinks all round.
- 她给每个人都买了饮料。
- 24. We had walked slowly all round the tent.
- 我们绕着帐篷慢慢地走着。
- 25. They were agate gray and they looked too big for his face because they had black lashes all round them.
- 它们是玛瑙灰色的,看起来对他的脸来说太大了,因为它们周围都是黑色的睫毛。
- 26. That you should dig all round my garden for me, tomorrow.
- 让你明天替我把我整个花园都挖一遍。
- 27. Alice looked all round the table, but there was nothing on it but tea.
- 爱丽丝看了看桌子四周,除了茶什么也没有。
- 28. There was exactly one a-piece all round.
- 正好一人一个。
- 29. Silence all round, if you please!
- 请大家全体肃静!
- 30. The prison was dark, with bars all round it.
- 监狱很黑,周围都是栏杆。