- 1. The first part of the plan has been safely accomplished.
- 计划的第一部分已顺利完成。
- 2. The one thing that she accomplished was raising money to update our facilities.
- 她完成的这项工作就是募集资金来更新我们的设备。
- 3. Government honored them for what they had accomplished.
- 政府对他们的成就给予了荣誉。
- 4. Much of the work in today's world is accomplished in teams.
- 当今世界的很多工作都是在团队中完成的。
- 5. We are very proud of what you have accomplished so far. You should be proud too.
- 我们为你已取得的成就感到骄傲,你也应该感到自豪。
- 6. When a whole culture adopts an upward look, incredible things can be accomplished.
- 当整个文化呈现出积极向上的面貌时,再不可思议的事情也能做到。
- 7. Mary, you must get the work accomplished today. We'll be away on business tomorrow.
- 玛丽,你今天必须完成这项工作。我们明天要出差。
- 8. I feel accomplished, and I'm more confident about attempting things I've never done before.
- 我感觉自己很有成就感,更有信心去尝试我以前从未做过的事情。
- 9. You two animals will accompany me instantly to Toad Hall, and the work of rescue shall be accomplished.
- 你们两位马上陪我到蛤蟆府去,完成救援的工作。
- 10. The workers were not better organized, otherwise they would have accomplished the task in half the time.
- 没有更好地把工人们组织起来,否则他们用一半的时间就能完成任务。
- 11. Many unbelievable feats of strength and endurance have been accomplished under the influence of fly agaric.
- 许多令人难以置信的力量和耐力的壮举都是在毒蝇伞的影响下完成的。
- 12. The "learning" of the material is assumed to be automatic and effortless, accomplished while listening to music.
- 对材料的“学习”被认为是自动的、毫不费力的,在听音乐的时候就完成了。
- 13. This is accomplished by a complex system of chemical messengers that in plants include hormones and other regulatory molecules.
- 这是通过一个复杂的化学信使系统来完成的,在植物中包括激素和其他调节分子。
- 14. She was an elegant and accomplished woman.
- 她是位优雅的才女。
- 15. As a musician, she is technically accomplished.
- 作为乐师,她演奏艺术精湛。
- 16. I don't feel I've accomplished very much today.
- 我觉得我今天没干成多少事。
- 17. The task was accomplished with comparative ease.
- 这项任务完成得比较容易。
- 18. He had a scholarly air and was an accomplished linguist.
- 他有一种学者的风度,而且是个熟练掌握多国语言的人。
- 19. He had finally accomplished his dream of becoming a pilot.
- 他最终实现了成为了一名飞行员的梦想。
- 20. They won plaudits and prizes for their accomplished films.
- 他们因其高水准的电影赢得了赞扬和奖项。
- 21. Everything I had accomplished seemed to affirm that opinion.
- 我所做成的每件事似乎都证实了那个观点。
- 22. Somewhat ingenuously, he explains how the crime may be accomplished.
- 他有点天真地解释了这一罪行可能是如何实施的。
- 23. Ibrahim is 59, strong looking, enormously energetic and accomplished.
- 伊卜拉希姆59岁,健壮的样子,精力极其充沛且富有才华。
- 24. She was an accomplished pianist, a superb swimmer, and a gifted artist.
- 她曾是一位很有造诣的钢琴家、一流的游泳健将和天才艺术家。
- 25. She is an accomplished painter and a prolific author of stories for children.
- 她是位技艺精湛的画家和多产的儿童文学作家。
- 26. Even the most accomplished writers show their work-in-progress to discerning readers.
- 即使最有造诣的作家们都会展示他们创作中的作品给有鉴赏力的读者们看。
- 27. There, he not only did well as a student but also became an accomplished public speaker.
- 在那里,他不仅是一名出色的学生,而且成为了一名出色的公共演说家。
- 28. He was an accomplished musician.
- 他是一位有造诣的音乐家。
- 29. This rise was accomplished without government aid of any kind.
- 这一增长也是在没有任何形式的政府援助的情况下实现的。
- 30. They supply creativity and innovation not easily accomplished by committees.
- 它们提供了委员会难以达成的创造力和创新性。