- 1. He accidentally sawed through a cable.
- 他不小心锯断了电缆。
- 2. He accidentally sliced through his finger.
- 他不小心把指头割破了。
- 3. His hand accidentally brushed against hers.
- 他的手无意之中碰了一下她的手。
- 4. She accidentally knocked the glass off the shelf.
- 她无意中把架子上的玻璃杯碰了下来。
- 5. The damage couldn't have been caused accidentally.
- 这次损毁不可能是偶然因素造成的。
- 6. She accidentally stepped on his foot on a crowded commuter train.
- 她在一辆拥挤的通勤火车上不小心踩到他的脚。
- 7. A policeman accidentally killed his two best friends with a single bullet.
- 一位警察意外地用一颗子弹杀死了他的两个最好的朋友。
- 8. Many dolphins are accidentally killed through entanglement with fishing equipment.
- 很多海豚因捕鱼设备的缠绕而意外死亡。
- 9. Train doors have handles on the inside. They are stiff so that they cannot be opened accidentally.
- 火车车门内侧有把手。把手很紧,这样就不会被意外打开了。
- 10. I accidentally broke a glass.
- 我不小心把玻璃杯摔了。
- 11. She accidentally knocked the glass off.
- 她不小心把玻璃杯碰掉了。
- 12. Besides, there are smokers who accidentally set fires.
- 此外,也有吸烟者不小心引起火灾。
- 13. I accidentally found a boy was making beautiful cards in the street.
- 我偶然发现一个男孩在街上做着漂亮的卡片。
- 14. You accidentally like leaned into the steering wheel or something like that.
- 你不小心靠着方向盘或是之类的。
- 15. Accidentally or on purpose, many of them are discharged into streams and lakes.
- 无意或有意地,它们中的许多被排放到河流和湖泊中。
- 16. Perhaps not accidentally, in 2016 reading scores were the lowest they have ever been since 1972.
- 2016年的阅读成绩是1972年以来的最低水平,这或许并非偶然。
- 17. She put her hand accidentally upon the tapestry near her, and then sprang back, feeling quite startled.
- 她不小心把手放在身边的挂毯上,然后吓得后退,感到十分吃惊。
- 18. As I was running off the stage, I accidentally knocked over a glass of grape juice that was on a table.
- 当我跑下舞台的时候,我不小心打翻了桌上的一杯葡萄汁。
- 19. You accidentally reveal to the entire company what menu you would prefer at the staff Christmas dinner.
- 你一不小心就让整个公司知道了员工圣诞晚宴上你会选择的菜单。
- 20. In traditional voting, one major source of inaccuracy is that people accidentally vote for the wrong candidate.
- 在传统的投票中,一个主要的不准确性的来源是人们不小心把票投给了错误的候选人。
- 21. One day, they accidentally heard on the radio the story about the dolmens on the Caucausus and decided to go there.
- 有一天,他们偶然从收音机里听到了有关高加索石室冢墓的故事,于是决定去那里。
- 22. These ranged from "sensory leakage"—where clues about the pictures accidentally reach the receiver—to outright fraud.
- 其中包括“感官泄露”——接受者意外地获得了有关图像的线索——延伸到彻头彻尾的欺骗。
- 23. Ecologists generally define an alien species as one that people, accidentally or deliberately, carried to its new location.
- 生态学家通常把外来物种定义为人们偶然或故意带到新地方的物种。
- 24. You just have to convince him that you are prepared to take a higher risk than he is of accidentally falling off the cliff.
- 你只需要说服他,你已经准备好承担比他意外掉下悬崖更大的风险。
- 25. Eurasian watermilfoil, a weed not native to Frida Lake, has reproduced prolifically since being accidentally introduced there.
- 欧亚水草是一种不属于弗里达湖的杂草,自从被意外引进后,就大量繁殖。
- 26. You write an unkind message about someone, intending to send it to a friend, but accidentally send it to the person you're discussing.
- 你打了一段关于别人的坏话打算发给朋友,但却不小心把它发给了你在讨论的那个人。
- 27. They had found, accidentally, that a rare metal, iridium, suddenly became very abundant exactly at the boundary and then slowly fell away.
- 他们偶然发现一种稀有金属铱的含量在边界处突然变得很丰富,然后又慢慢地消失了。
- 28. Deleting an object accidentally and then replacing it with a similar object will lead to unacceptable differences of the enterprise models.
- 意外地删除一个对象,然后用一个类似的对象替换它,将导致企业模型不可接受的差异。
- 29. While cutting into the bones of the man, Zack accidentally releases a deadly fungus, which causes the team to be quarantined over Christmas.
- 在切割尸骨之时,Zack 不小心把一种致命病菌释放了出来,导致整个团队都只能在隔离环境中过圣诞了。
- 30. Ragwort was accidentally introduced to New Zealand in the late nineteenth century and, like so many invading foreign species, quickly became a pest.
- 19世纪末,狗舌草被偶然引入新西兰,像许多入侵的外来物种一样,它很快就变成了一种有害生物。