

OAPC的全称:Ontario Association of Paramedic Chiefs (formerly Association of Emergency Medical Services of Ontario; Ontario, Canada) | 中文意思:───安大略省医疗主管协会(原安大略省的紧急医疗服务的协会;加拿大安大略省)

OAPC的全称:Office of AIDS Policy Coordination (New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene) | 中文意思:───艾滋病政策协调办公室(纽约市健康与心理卫生局)

OAPC的全称:Office of Alien Property Custodian (est. 1942) | 中文意思:───外国侨民的财产托管厅(est。 1942)

OAPC的全称:Ohio Asphalt Paving Conference | 中文意思:───俄亥俄州沥青铺装会议

OAPC的全称:Osteoporosis Action Plan Committee (Canada) | 中文意思:───骨质疏松症行动计划委员会(加拿大)

OAPC的全称:Open Arms Pregnancy Center (DeWitt, IA) | 中文意思:───张开双臂怀孕中心(DeWitt IA)

OAPC的全称:Ordinance on Air Pollution Control (Switzerland) | 中文意思:───空气污染管制条例(瑞士)

OAPC的全称:Ontario Association of Patient Councils (Ontario, Canada) | 中文意思:───安大略省病人议会协会(加拿大安大略省)