

CEPP的全称:Certified Expert Privacy Professional (Lunarline School of Cybersecurity; various locations) | 中文意思:───专家隐私专业认证(Lunarline学校网络安全;不同地点)

CEPP的全称:Civic Engagement and Public Policy (University of Buffalo; Buffalo, NY) | 中文意思:───公民参与和公共政策(布法罗大学;布法罗,纽约)

CEPP的全称:Carrier-Enabled Power Projection (UK) | 中文意思:───启用投射力量的载体(英国)

CEPP的全称:Chemical Emergency Preparedness Plan | 中文意思:───化学应急制备计划

CEPP的全称:Chemical Emergency Preparedness Program (EPA) | 中文意思:───化学应急方案(EPA)

CEPP的全称:Colorado Emergency Preparedness Partnership | 中文意思:───科罗拉多应急伙伴关系

CEPP的全称:Committee on Educational Policy and Planning | 中文意思:───教育政策和规划委员会

CEPP的全称:CalWORKs Emergency Payment Program | 中文意思:───以工代赈救济金紧急付款方案

CEPP的全称:Community Emergency Preparedness Programme (Singapore) | 中文意思:───社区应急方案(新加坡)

CEPP的全称:Community Energy Partnership Program (Canada) | 中文意思:───社区能源伙伴计划(加拿大)