- 徠 to come
- 崃 name of a mountain in Sichuan
- 莱 Chenopodium album
- 廊 porch veranda corridor portico
- 瘌 scabies scald-head
- 铼 rhenium dvimanganese
- 来 to come come round come coming arrive came be around
- 砬 alabamine
- 喇 (onomat.)
- 剌 to slash pricking obstinate stab spine
- 蜡 wax candle cere paraffin(e) waxy simoniz
- 啦 (onomat.) (phonetic)
- 拉 to pull to play (string instruments) to drag to draw towage haul pullout pulling
- 泺 name of a river
- 漯 name of a river
- 率 rate frequency modulus quotiety factor ratio proportion coefficient
- 瀧 torrential (rain)
- 泷 torrential (rain)
- 釐 one thousandth centi (C)
- 腊 December preserved (meat)
- 櫟 oak Quercus serrata Balic oak
- 栎 oak Quercus serrata Balic oak
- 樂 laugh (surname) happy cheerful music
- 乐 laugh (surname) happy cheerful music
- 郦 (surname) ancient place name