- 彊 powerful power strength force better superior strong willful High staving intens
- 疆 border boundary superior strong willful
- 趄 hesitate mark time recline
- 嶠 highest peak
- 峤 highest peak
- 寖 steep soak immerse embathe DIP dunk immersed saturate immerses deluge swim SOP t
- 苣 (lettuce)
- 矜 sympathize boast esteem
- 廑 careful hut
- 瞿 startled
- 湫 marsh
- 她 she her(ochre) who index
- 繫 system department be to tie faculty tied upbind fasten relation corollary tie lo
- 瘕 obstruction in the intestine
- 見 to see to meet to appear (to be sth) to interview generalise Gomorrah Honan wink
- 见 to see to meet to appear (to be sth) to interview generalise Gomorrah Honan wink
- 閒 leisure to stay idle to be unoccupied not busy enclosure interstice separate
- 姣 pretty (surname) cunning
- 降 to drop to fall to come down to descend surrender descend(ing) fall lower drop (
- 解 to separate to divide to break up to loosen to explain to untie to emancipate so
- 颉 neck (surname) fly upwards
- 噱 loud laughter
- 碣 stone tablet
- 浚 profound deepen enlighten
- 濬 profound deepen enlighten
- 侥 by mere luck
- 景 scenery bright circumstance scene (FE) view
- 筠 skin of bamboo
- 祭 offer sacrifice Pentecost