- 佰 (complicated form of) hundred (used to avoid fraud)
- 把 (marker for direct-object) to hold to contain to grasp to take hold of grasp han
- 壩 dam dyke embankment stank
- 鲅 gobioid
- 菝 smilax china
- 伯 senior father's elder brother uncle
- 茇 betel
- 柏 (surname) cedar cypress
- 擘 pierce split thumb tear break to analyze
- 覇 lord master usurp tyrant feudal chief rule by force hegemon
- 灞 name of a river
- 魃 drought demon
- 襬 pendulum to place to display to swing to oscillate to show to move to exhibit pu
- 靶 mark target butt barn cockshot cockshy
- 摆 pendulum to place to display to swing to oscillate to show to move to exhibit pu
- 跋 walk travel l'envoi postscript epilogue
- 芭 a herb banana
- 拔 promote select pull up pull out pullout pull weigh unplug pluck give a pull pull
- 粑 tsamba (food in Tibet)
- 疤 scar proud flesh vibex scab
- 叭 denote a sound or sharp noise (gunfire etc.)
- 笆 an article made of bamboo strips fence
- 巴 (suff. for certain nouns) to hope to wish bar
- 八 eight
- 捌 split complicated form of the numeral eight
- 吧 (onomat.) dumb
- 不 no not (negative prefix) nay NAE n't nope non- non senza doesnot uneasiness does
- 骠 white horse
- 辟 monarch royal king
- 裨 profitable to benefit to aid advantageous small
- 便 ordinary plain so thus then convenient handy easy to relieve oneself
- 缏 braid
- 扁 (surname) small boat
- 罷 suspend to stop cease dismiss to quit to finish
- 罢 suspend to stop cease dismiss to quit to finish
- 被 quilt by blanket to cover to wear be separated by
- 拌 to mix mix in to toss (a salad) mix pug paddle
- 膀 wing upper arm
- 闆 board plate plank slab lamella plaque lamina sheet panel sheeting boarding tabul
- 磅 pound weigh scale a measure word libra lbs. lb. privacy points point size ppf lb
- 扒 rake climb pull (out) to strip hold on to cling to dig up push aside snatch scra
- 钯 palladium (Pd) cesium
- 泊 to anchor touch at to moor poise berth moar
- 陂 reservoir uneven rugged
- 拚 reject disregard spelt
- 暴 sudden violent cruel to show or expose to injure
- 堡 stronghold an earthwork castle position of defense
- 杓 (star) ladle(pot) bail