- 词语读音zhǎo zé
- 词语注音ㄓㄠˇ ㄗㄜˊ
- 繁体字形沼澤
- marsh
- swamp
- glade
- cienaga
- morass
- marish
- quagmire
- curragh
- currach
- fen
- bog
- moor
- swampland
- swampy ground
- moss
- bogginess
- slough
- turfary
- sleugh
- 沼泽[zhǎozé]
- -marsh;swamp;bog;palus;car;jheel;quagmire;strode;fen(特指英格兰东部瓦什湾周围地区的);hope;helo;moor;moorland;[南非]vlei;vley;muskeg;paludi-
- 短语沼泽草地everglade沼泽低地slash沼泽地带swamp;baygall沼泽定(木贼)palustridine沼泽鳄mugger沼泽革木leatherwood沼泽蛤meadowmussel沼泽灌丛swampthicket沼泽环境swampenvironment沼泽荒地curragh沼泽荒漠traversias沼泽金丝桃marshst-john's-wort沼泽锦龟hicatee(hicotee)沼泽泥炭darg沼泽排水bogdrainage沼泽平原[德]ried沼泽婆婆纳marshspeed-well沼泽森林群落helophylium沼泽砂堆chenier沼泽沙丘chenier;cheniere沼泽生态型swampecotype沼泽温地swampland沼泽疏林地helorgadium沼泽疏林区helodium沼泽松slashpine沼泽铜头蛇marshsnake沼泽土壤spewysoil沼泽橐吾fengroundsel沼泽洼地niaye(沙丘之间)沼泽觋mosshammer沼泽相swompfacies沼泽小岛hammock沼泽形成过程marshformingprocess沼泽盐土marshysolonchak沼泽蚓helodrilus沼泽植丛群落helodric
- 不要偏离车道--这一带沼泽地多。
Keep to the track the moor is very boggy around here. - 沼泽地里冒出了瘴气。
A miasma rose from the marsh. - 那场战争中很多士兵死于那片沼泽地。
In that war, many soldiers died in that fen area. - 大雨使这小花园变成了一块沼泽地。
The heavy rain has turned the small garden into a swamp. - 我们在沼泽地受到蚊子的围攻。
In the swamp we were beset by mosquitoes. - 一个人在沼泽地里是很危险的。
It's dangerous to be alone in the marsh.