- 钻杆 drill pipe drill stem drill rod jackrod drill rocker boring bar bore rod steel s
- 钻进 infix chisel in worm oneself into plunge burrow drilling boring
- 罪行 offense crime maleficence malefaction misdemeanor misdeed guilt committal commit
- 钻工 drill hand drilling machine operator borer driller
- 罪恶滔天 guilty of the most heinous crimes; have committed monstrous crimes; with crimes
- 罪案 a criminal case case
- 制造 to manufacture to make make manufacture making produce turn off turn...out fabri
- 罪恶 sin evil maleficence malefaction offense vice villainy crime follies wickedness
- 嘴巴 mouth mooey
- 醉鬼 sot stiff bloke piss artist
- 造作 make mannerism artificialness
- 嘴尖 sharp-tongued; cutting in speech be choosy about what one eats
- 做白日梦 daydream
- 作案现场 crime scene
- 尊长 elders elder
- 做伴 keep sb. company
- 尊崇 homage inthrone sanctify
- 座标 coordinate position data
- 尊称 (n) deferential or respectful form of address to sb style title
- 座舱 capsule cabin ckpt seating accommodation
- 坐标线 coordinate line
- 坐标系 frame of axes set of coordinates coordinate coordinate system system of coordina
- 座次 order of seats seating arrangement
- 琢磨 (v) think about; mull over polish (jade) levigate
- 琢石 ashler ashlar scotching cut stone axed work nidged ashlar nigged ashlar
- 琢方石 squared stone
- 左部 left section left part
- 左首 left-hand side; the left
- 昨儿 yesterday
- 左边 left first member second member the left left hand side
- 左侧数 left-component
- 琢句雕词 polish sentences and engrave phrases
- 左面 (n) left side of sth
- 左手 bridle hand left hand shield-hand shield hand shieldhand LH
- 左侧 nearside left side near side (ns)
- 昨天 yesterday