zenithangle distribution



    1)zenith-angle distribution,天顶角分布2)zenith angle,天顶角3)Large zenith angle,大天顶角4)antenna vertical angle,天线顶角5)zenith distance,天顶角距6)view zenith angle,观测天顶角


    WT5”BZ]Angular separation of real zenith angle beacon and project laser due to atmospheric dispersion is calculated in this paper.

    计算了由于大气色散效应造成的信标光与发射主激光的实际天顶角之间的角间距 ,其中考虑了天气条件、地理位置、发射天顶角和信标波长等影响因素。

    The relation between the zenith angle and the mean photon number for security of a satellite-to-ground QKD system based on the WCP source against PNS attacks which operates with the optimal eavesdropping strategy is provided.


    Based on the atmospheric transmission model,through the actual ray track,the zenith angle is revised,which is a complicated function with launch angle and altitude.


    This paper discusses the dynamics of vegetation canopies reflectance with view zenith angles and vegetation canopies structure.

    在对水稻不同生育期进行冠层光谱二向反射率测定的基础上 ,分析了水稻冠层二向反射率随观测角及冠层结构变化的变化规律 ,得出以下结论 :在不同波段及不同的观测方位角 ,冠层反射率都是随着观测天顶角的增加而增加的 ,随着叶面积指数的增加 ,冠层反射率受观测天顶角的影响减小 。