vortex motion
- 1)vortex motion,放涡运动2)vortex flow,旋涡运动3)vortex motion,涡运动4)vortex motion,旋涡运动5)vortex flow,涡运动6)Swirl motion,涡流运动
Study of crossflow topology of unsteady vortex motion over a delta wing;
Establishment of the integral equations of vortex motion for incompressible and viscous fluid;
Navier-Stokes equations are solved numerically to simulate vortex motion in separated flows using detached-eddy simulation(DES) method in Saplart-Allmaras one equation model.
The effects of different leading edge profiles on the vortex flows over double delta wings were investigated both numerically and theoretically.
采用数值模拟和理论分析相结合的方法 ,研究了前缘剖面形状对双三角翼涡运动的影响 ,分析了前缘剖面形状对三角翼、双三角翼涡运动影响的不同机理 :对三角翼 ,尖前缘可以形成组织最好的涡结构 ,但对于双三角翼 ,圆前缘生成的旋涡结构较靠近翼面 ,涡结构紧密 ,诱导能力较强 ,可以形成有利的涡涡干扰 ,使内翼涡通过剪切层向外翼涡输入涡量更加容易 ,合并涡变得更加稳定 ,推迟了涡破裂 ,而且由于涡较靠近翼面 ,因而可以产生较高的非线性涡升力 ,这同传统的认识是不一致
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