university of science
- 1)university of science,理科大学2)university of science and engineering,理工科大学3)science & engineering university,理工科大学4)universities of science and technology,理工科大学5)science and engineering universities,理工科大学6)college of science and engineering,理工科大学
Study of construction on cultural quality educational curriculum for university of science and engineering;
Building a school-based model for cultural quality education in university of science and engineering is an important means of raising the comprehensive quality of students.
Facing the internationalization of higher education, it’s the top priority for university of science and engineering to strengthen the construction of the courses of humanities and carry forward the spirit of humanities.
近年来理工科大学人文教育虽有所加强 ,但重科学教育轻人文教育的现象仍然存在。
Humanities education and personnel training on science & engineering university;
The paper also tries to put right and clarifies the prevailing misusages of their names in China with the purpose of avoiding the blindness and mistakes in the exchanges between key Chinses and Korean universities of science and technology and between the organizations of science in both co.
Development of philosophy and social science in universities of science and technology is the demand to improve the core competitiveness,to cultivate high-quality talents with overall development as well as to serve the modernization.
Today some science and engineering universities of China tends to realize their comprehensiveness by developing arts.
In science and engineering universities,there is many problems in today\'s quality arts education as lacking of undstanding,not forming a scientific system,serious shortage of teachers,and no establishment of management system,etc.
Currently, humanistic education is still a weak link in a college of science and engineering, and it is one that restricts the full scale development of college students and also affects the implementation of the stratagem for invigorating the country through the science and technology education.
But basic legal education of college of science and engineering has to be really result in a great deal of questions such as being poor.
Contemporary Science Philosophy and Training the Science Thinking of Undergrates in College of Science and Engineering;
Scientific Literacy and Its Cultivation of Undergraduate Studying Science and Technology;
On the Development of Humanities and Social Sciences to the Science and Technology University;
Tactics on Developing Humanities in University of Science and Technology;
Optimization Design to Industrialization Pattern of Science and Technology in Technology University;
The Construction of Liberal Arts in the Transforming Key Universities of Science and Technology;
Nanyang Technological University: Is Asia's most outstanding university in science and engineering.
English Competence Cultivation of Science Majors;
The aesthetic education of university student of science and technology is to be strengthened
Some Thoughts to Develop Philosophy and Social Sciences in Universities of Science and Technology;
Investigation on the mental health of undergraduates in science and technology university;
TRIZ Theory and Innovation Ability Training;
A Study on the Psychological Quality of the Students in Universities of Science and Engineering;
Problems and Solutions in Aural Comprehension;
Research on the Status Quo of Science and Technology Students Reading on Classics of Sinology in University and College;
On Legal Education at University of Science and Technology;
Research on the Scientifically Ethics Education and Its Method to Science and Engineering Students
The Influence of Education Technology Development on Scientific Literacy of Science and Technology College Students;
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