universal intellect
- 1)universal intellect,普遍的理智2)the Universal Principles of Reason,理性的普遍法则3)belief in universality of history,普遍历史的理念4)general ethics,普遍伦理5)universal ethics,普遍伦理6)Universal Truth,普遍真理
The “belief in universality of history” was an extremely important concept in Kant s historic philosophy, detailed carding and explaining help discern the unique character of it and make the practicality of the theory unveiled.
The author agreed that there were “general ethics” possibility in artificial abortion while discuss the content of this “general ethics” system theory and propose a basic way to establish artificial abortion “general ethies” in worldwide.
在人工流产问题上存在着世界范围的“普遍伦理”的可能性 ,并从理论上论证了这种“普遍伦理”体系所包含的基本内容和建立世界范围内关于人工流产的“普遍伦理”的基本途径。
The rational changes not only have recorded the different general ethics for us but also made the moral philosophies appear the developing trend from the ontological argumentation to the one of the post-ontology.
理性的变式不仅为我们记录下了不同样态的普遍伦理, 而且使道德哲学呈现出从形而上的论证转向一种后形而上论证的发展趋向。
The study of the feasibility of "general ethics" should transcend the general standards of value defined by enlightenment morals and break through the pessimism of postmodern moral relativism and nihilism.
Since 1990s,people s thinking and concernig on the universal ethics have become the most alluring topic on the humanities at the age of globalization.
To demonstrate the prospect of universal ethics by means of confucian speaking can make demonstrations more sufficient and strong.
With the need of globalization, universal ethics forms an effective background for the consideration of ethics.
Discourse Ethics:A Formal,Universal Ethics;
Common and Special Ethics -Rebuilding of Confucian ethics;
Question the Queries About Universal Ethics:A Probe into the Basis of Moral Belief from Universal Ethics;
Study On the Possibilities of the Universal Ethics & the Global Ethics of Consciousness;
Some Meta-Ethical Remarks on Conditions of Possibility for a Universal Ethics;
The"Scientific"Background and Perspective about"Universal Ethics"Issue;
In Search of Realistic Basis and Significance of “Universal Ethics”;
Significance of the Ethical Thoughts of Original Confucianist for the Construction of Universal Ethics;
How Could the Universal Ethics Be Possible--Experience and Inspiration of the Jews and Chinese Nation
An Analysis on the Component of Universal Ethis Affected by the Global Economy;
Viewing Confucian "Kinsfolk Orientation" in the Relation between Science and Ethics:Concerning Two Kinds of Methods about "Universal Ethics" Research;
On the Historic types and the Common Values of the Economic Ethics;
Kontextualisierter Universalismus in Confucian Ethics--Taking "Ren" as an example
Conditions of Possibility for a Universal Ethics--From the language analysis of ethics to speech acts analysis
How to Realize Universal Ethic--On the Relationships between Moral Universality and Moral Particularity;
The united form of individualism and universalism is modernity ethical discourse of Chinese aesthetics.
The Impact of Cultural Dimension Universalism vs. Particularism on Ethical Decision-Making in Marketing;
The "horror of incest" is not in fact universal.
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