trunk sewer



    1)trunk sewer,污水干渠2)Sewer main pipe and canal,污水主干管渠3)sewage intercepting main canal,污水截流干渠4)trunk sewerage scheme,污水干渠系统5)sewage,污水;污水渠6)wastewater ditch,污水明渠


    This article has studied the role of clay overburden layer in prevention of contamination from seepage of wastewater ditch to underground water with a analogy method ,and in order to prevent contamination of seepage wastewater, the study defermined the critical thickness of clay overburd layer.

    本文通过实际类比的研究方法 ,对粘土覆盖层防治污水明渠渗漏污染地下水的作用进行了探讨 ,并确定了粘土覆盖层防止地面污水渗漏污染地下水所必需的临界厚度范围。