theory of behavior setting
- 1)theory of behavior setting,行为定势论2)behavior setting,行为定势3)potential energy behavior,势能行为4)asymmetric conduct,行为优势5)behavior potentia,行为势能6)behavior asset-pricing theory,行为资产定价理论
While the psychological unbalance may fluctuate the individual's original philosophy and regular act tendency which make conditions for the naissance of aberrance.
而心理的失衡极大地动摇了个体原有的人生观和行为定势 ,为越轨行为的产生创造了条件。
Market is very firm and rising, and we is today quoting :
RS Measuring Study on Dynamic Change of Land Cover Using Fractal Theory--Taking the Yutian Oasis as an Example;
Individual Level Factors of Inter-group Behavior: Authoritarianism and Social Dominance Orientation;
Designs in Behavior for Enterprises to Keep the Competition Advantage Based on Instable Environments;
However,comparative advantage does not necessarily turn out to be competitive advantage.
They considered her behaviour a shameful piece of snobbery.
他们认为她为人势利, 行为可耻.
In order to guarantee the interests of depositors, stabilize the financial order and perfect the control and management of central bank, the establishment of deposit insurance system must be enforced.
The author thinks that GATT, which has run for more than 40 years, is not adaptable to the terrain of the world trade and should be reformed.
To further stabilize the situation in the South China Sea, China is willing to complete consultations with ASEAN on the norm of behavior in the South China Sea region as quickly as possible.
The act or process of locating.
On the Developing Trend and Countermeasures of the Counter Investigation Act at New Situation
Analysis on Clusters Competitiveness, Innovation Advantage and Cooperation;
The trend toward differentiation and segmentation will continue to add new terminology as the industry matures.
Self-abasement might result in incorrect psychological location, disorders in interpersonal communication, and even perplex psychology and behavior, and lead to psychological distortion.
As to Yao, we cannot tear down his performance coz of one holdback and also we cannot disavow that Yao has been performing as one of the most top NBA players this season.
The Northern Expedition Zhuge Liang launched in order to "restore the Han Royal Family" was doomed to fail, due to changes in the situation and his too-weak strength.
fixed behavioral pattern
固定行为模式 固定行为模式
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