solid piling



    1)solid piling,实堆积2)solid piling,实(堆)积;密堆3)compact deposit,密实堆积4)packing density,堆积密实度5)the real packing density,实际堆积密实度6)dense proportion design,骨架密实堆积


    The author's study of continuous compact deposit grading of aggregate through(systematic) experimental research lead to extend the two conventional formulae of continuous grading to five formulae depending on five rheological types of concrete mixtures.


    In order to know the influence of packing effect of micropowders on the property of concrete,uti-lized compressible packing model(CPM) to compute packing density of cementitious material under different systems,the thesis investigated impact of grading and content of micropowders on compressive strength of cement based composite materials with low water to binder ratio.


    Structural properties,such as packing density,coordination number and the distribution of coordination.


    The packing density of the cement and ultra fine fly ash granular mixtures have been analyzed by the method of minimum water dosage.

    本文采用浆体最小需水量方法分析计算了水泥 -超细粉煤灰固体颗粒混合料体系的堆积密实度 ,并通过浆体密实度、流动性等试验方法研究分析了在低水胶比条件下超细粉煤灰对浆体物理密实填充的作用效应。

    Compressible Packing Model(CPM)was used to analyze the real packing density of the cement powder system added with mineral admixture.
