regulus goodfellowi
- 1)regulus goodfellowi,台湾戴菊2)Pterocypsela formosana,台湾翅果菊3)regulus regulus,戴菊4)Taiwan,台湾5)Taiwan province,台湾6)Tai Wan,台湾
Physiological Responses of Pterocypsela formosana in Drought Stress;
Taiwan Food Industry Development Experience and Model;
Development and Features of Medical Library Consortia in Taiwan Province;
Pluralism from One Fountainhead of Contemporary Poems About Seas And Oceans in Tai Wan;
Recified by the Tai wan affair office of Shandong Province,they have visited Taiwan on the May 14-24,2002.
2 0 0 2年 3月 ,山东省农业管理干部学院的高焕喜教授、山东社会科学院的秦庆武研究员接到台湾东华大学大陆研究所所长朱景鹏教授邀请赴台进行学术访问考察的邀请函。
Because of the history and reality, the differences of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar are very clear between Tai Wan and Mainland.
由于历史和现实的原因 ,台湾和大陆的语言在语音、词汇、语法上都有明显的差异。
American golden-crested kinglet.
a genus of birds of the family Sylviidae including kinglets.
European kinglet with a black-bordered yellow crown patch.
American kinglet with a notable song and in the male a red crown patch.
in some classifications considered a subfamily (Sylviinae) of the family Muscicapidae: Old World (true) warblers; American kinglets and gnatcatchers.
knapweed; star thistle.
On Tao Yuanming s Seeking for Longevity by Picking and Eating Chrysanthemum;
the sweet [ yellow ] sultan
camomile, mint, herb tea
菊花、 薄荷、 药草茶.
marigold window
【建】车轮窗, 菊花窗
To cover or furnish with a helmet.
David dresses very well;he is very tasty.
Help me with them, Marilyn.
帮我戴上, Marilyn。
wear a flower in one's lapel
领上戴 (一) 花
wear a beard, coat, hat, ring, watch
留胡须、 穿大衣、 戴帽子、 戴戒指、 戴手表
any of several plants of the genus Arctotis having daisylike flowers.
African Marigold
万寿菊 ,[alias]: 臭菊/臭芙蓉/万盏灯
I prefer the daisy and the knapweed in particular.
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- round scraper是什么意思
- ringroll(er) mill是什么意思
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