recirculation water pump



    1)recirculation water pump,再循环水泵2)recirculating valve of feed pump,给水泵再循环阀3)recirculating pump,再循环泵4)recirculation pump,再循环泵5)condensate treatment recurculating pump,凝结水处理再循环水泵6)fuel storage pool recirculating pump,燃料贮存水池再循环泵


    To prove the feasibility of not using bosster fan, test has been carried out to see whither open or close of the bypass damper, as well as switching on or off the recirculating pump affect the boiler operation.

    为论证无增压风机的可行性 ,进行了旁路挡板开关及再循环泵切换对锅炉运行影响的试验。

    The intention of this article assist domestic designers to know the foreign technical trend and the experience which MBEL gained in the boiler start- up system with recirculation pump.
