rate constant



    1)rate constant,速度常数2)reaction rate constant,速度常数3)velocity field constant,速度场常数4)efflux rate constant,排出速度常数5)velocity constant of oxygen absorption,吸氧速度常数6)Adsorption rate constant,吸附速度常数


    The rate constants of heatdecomposing reactions at 60°C and 80°C were 5.


    In chemical textbooks, the rate constant educed from the rate equation V=k·C a A ·C b B .

    Cb B…导出的反应速度常数常因反应级数不同而有不同的单位问题。

    The Mchaelis constant, K m and the effective electrochemical rate constant k′ ME have been determined.

    根据 Albery提出的判断酶电极动力学过程的理论 ,讨论了好氧微生物电极在不同底物作用下电极的速度控制步骤 ,求得电极的米氏常数 Km 与有效电化学反应速度常数 k′ M E的值。

    To determine reaction rate constant in ethyl acetate saponification,according to the current textbook,keep the concentration of reactant ethyl acetate and NaOH equal,ignore the effects of the hydrolyzation of reaction product on G_t and G_∞,plot t against (G_0-G_t)/(G_t-G_∞) and determine the constant k by slope of the straight line.

    乙酸乙酯皂化反应速度常数的测定 ,现行教课书都是让反应物乙酸乙酯和NaOH的浓度相等 ,忽略反应产物醋酸钠水解对Gt、G∞ 的影响 ,以 (G0 -Gt) (Gt-G∞)对t作图 ,利用所得直线的斜率求速度常数k 。

    By means of study on velocity field constant in flue,a method used to measure average velocity of flue gas was presented.


    An automatic velocity field constant checking device suitable for use in the on site monitoring system of the pollution source SO 2 is developed.

    为污染源SO2 在线监测系统研制一套适用的速度场常数自动检测装

    Marine copepods, Acartia erythraea, were exposed to waterborne copper, silver, and copper and silver mixture respectively in a series experiment during which the metal contents in exoskeleton, polar and nonpolar parts in animal cells were measured and the uptake rate, efflux rate constant for Cu~ 2+ and Ag~ + were calculated.


    At present,Sakoda-Suzuki adsorption rate equation is favorable in adsorption refrigeration,in which adsorption rate constant is usually considered as the function of temperature for certain adsorption working pairs.


    Examing the speed constant of the chemical reaction with the experiment of the mini chemical method;


    It becomes desirable to seek either a determination of individual velocity constants or some meaningful ratios of velocity constants.


    The Determination of Heterogenous Rate Constants in the CV Oxidation of Adenine


    Determination of Rate Constant and Activation Energy of H_2O_2 Decomposition over KI Catalyst;


    Measurement of Reaction Rate Constant in Ethyl Acetate Saponification;


    Methods are available for the measurement of absolute velocity constants but they are by no means easy to apply.


    the speed at which light travels in a vacuum; 300,000 km per second; a universal constant.


    Likewise, for the third segment, the velocity is constant for4 deg.


    For large wavelengths, the velocity is constant.


    The acoustic velocity of a rock varies according to its elastic constants and density.


    Confirm that the viewfinder display is operating. The number denotes the current shutter speed.


    However,the radial acceleration is a key parameter;


    Study of Removal Rate Function of Room Temperature Atmospheric Plasma Polishing


    Eliminating Abnormal Data in Apparent Velocity of Telemetry based on Wavelet Network


    Speed and Rotor Time Constant Identification Based on Adaptive Observer


    Since velocity and density generally increase with depth, the reflection coefficient is usually positive.

    因为速度和密度一般是随浓度而增加,故而反射系数通常为正值 。

    This velocity is often called the terminal velocity.


    Calculation based on similitude method is a commonly used way for determining structure parameters of centrifugal impeller.
