popular lecture
- 1)popular lecture,通俗讲演2)sujiang,俗讲3)The Romance of the Three Kingdoms,《三国志通俗演义》4)The Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms,三国志通俗演义5)popular historical novels,"按鉴"通俗演义6)Demode Historical Novel of the Records of Three States,《三国演义志通俗》
An Aesthetic World Composed of Multi-part “Concerted Music” ——the Conversational Art in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms;
The Cultural Connotation of the Sutra and Tao of the Motif of the Ghost Book and Holy Water in The Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms;
The universality of Tong Jian directly caused the vogue of history education and the prosperity of popular historical novels,which further.
Microstudy of Mohism in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms;
Revenge Ideas in Demotic Historical Novel of the Records of Three States and the Culture of Sun-Wu Areas;
On Romance of the Three Kingdoms in Jiajing Renwu Version--Preface of Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms in collation and annotation Version
The Cultural Connotation of the Sutra and Tao of the Motif of the Ghost Book and Holy Water in The Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Jiajing RenWu edition the Romance of the Three kingdoms for Popular Consumption is not the earlist edition
On the Completion Time of the Book Popular Historical Romance of the Three Kingdoms from the Angle of Propagation;
The Relation between Luo Guanzhong and The Romance of the Three Kindomsas Viewed from Popular Stories of the Three Kingdoms
An Aesthetic World Composed of Multi-part “Concerted Music” --the Conversational Art in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
From Edge to Center --A Tentative Study of Qiao Zhou in Popular Romance of Three Kingdoms;
Reconstruction of Public order;
Expedition to the Western Ocean
A Comparison Between Three Kingdoms and Annals of the Kingdoms in the East Zhou Dynasty;
On the Relationship between The Romance of Three Kingdoms and A History of Three Kingdoms Elucidated by Pei Songzhi;
A Contrastive Study of Fiction and Facts between Romance of the Three Kingdomsand History of the Three Kingdoms
On the Cultural Inheritance from History of the Three Kingdoms to The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
The Modal Paticle"(me)么"in Sanbo Eunuch s Journey to the West Ocean;
The Reserch on Cheng Du Fu Ci(CDFC) in "Sanbao Tai Jian Xi Yang Tong Su Yan Yi"
Try to Analyze the Mutual Complementation between Confucianism and Taoism in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms;
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