pile grillage



    1)pile grillage,桩格排2)row of piles,排桩3)row-pile,排桩4)soldier pile,排桩5)piles in row,排桩6)pile row,排桩


    Spatial mutual deformation analysis method for row of piles of deep excavation;


    Authors present a composite support style consisting of composite soil nail and row of piles uniting ring inner support.


    Practice shows that the cooperative action between row of piles and ring beam has a certain influence on the deformation and internal forces of retaining piles.

    实践表明,支护排桩与圈梁之间有较好的协同作用,圈梁的空间效应对支护桩的变形和内力均有一 定的影响。

    Application of row-pile support in the design of foundation pit for Suzhou taxation building;


    Based on the mechanism analysis of frost-heaving force emerging in the retaining structure with row-piles and frozen soil wall for deep foundation pit,releasing-pressure holes are used to reduce horizontal frost-heaving force.


    At present there were many problems in the design and application of Top-Beams as a result of inadequte study on the working mechanism and designing calculation method of top-beams in structure supported by soldier piles.


    Based on the analysis of a certain retaining and protecting for deep foundation excavation,several structural schemes including piles in row,bracing system,soil nailing wall and diaphragm are compared.


    According to the geology and terrain, two separate subsections of support were adopted: one is piles in row with grouting-bolts; the other is slope with shotcrete and wire mesh.

    武汉某地下车库基坑处于深厚淤泥中 ,采用排桩 +土层锚杆支护与放坡 +网喷分段支护方式 ,本文根据现场地质、地形条件 ,对本工程支护过程中支护桩与土体变形作了具体分析。

    Based on the research of the mechanism of the top beam, the optimal design of piles in row is discussed.


    Taking the common action system of upper framed structure, pile raft foundation, subgrade and pile row supporting structure as a study object, the contributions of pile row structure to the upper structure and to the pile raft foundation are studied, the common action is analyzed by means of a 2 dimensional linear finite element m.

    以上部框架结构—桩筏基础—地基—排桩支护结构共同作用体系为对象 ,研究排桩支护结构对上部结构和桩筏基础的作用 ,采用二维非线性有限单元法对其进行了共同作用分析 ,分别研究了不同相对弹性模量、不同相对刚度、不同支护桩长度等因素对该作用的影响 ,试图寻找一种通过调整某些因素就可在一定程度上控制支护结构作用的方

    Three-dimensional Numerical Simulation and Mechanical Behaviors Research with Double-row Pile Based on the Effect of Pile-soil Contact;


    Research on the Utmost Limit Piles Distance about Row Piles Retaining and Protecting for Deep Fundation Excavation in Chengdu Area


    Deformation Analysis of Double-row Piles by Finite Element Method


    Application of Cantilever Piles in Row and Jet-grouted Piles in the Retaining and Protecting for Deep Foundation Pit Excavation


    FEA of Double-row Piles Considering the Dimension Effects;


    Analysis of Braced Retaining Structure with Double-row Piles;


    Design and Analysis of the Forces of Retaining Structure with Double-row Piles of Deep Foundation Pit;


    The Analysis of Cooperative Work of Single Rank of Piles under Strip Beam of Foundation;


    Study on the Arched Row Pile Supporting Structure for Foundation Pit and Its Application


    The internal force distribution of double-row anti-slide piles is studied by using plane strain finite element method (FEM).


    FEM Analysis and Examination Study on Pit Retained Pile when Space between Changing;


    The construction mechanics of anchor bar prestressing in pitsupporting structure of row of piles


    Study of Cooperative Action between Row of Piles and Ring Beam for Deep Foundation Pit Supporting Structure


    Erosion and siltation study for low sheet-pile groins under tidal bore


    Study on Method and Application of Row Pile Supporting Structure for Deep Foundation Pit in Handan;


    Theoretical Analysis and Numerical Calculation of Retaining Structure with Double-row Piles of Deep Foundation Pit;


    Numerical Analysis on Double-row Piles & Development of the Software for the Design of Pit Retaining Structures;


    Optimal Design of Cluster Pile-Steel Tube Supporting Structures Based on Genetic Algorithm;
