onestep statics algorithm
- 1)one-step statics algorithm,一步静校正算法2)one-pass statics,一步法静校正3)two-step static correction,两步法静校正4)large-update method,大步校正算法5)separately static emendation,分步静校正6)large-and small-update methods,大步校正和小步校正算法
As the datum goes away from the earth surface, the error generated by the horizontal datum and one-pass statics method increased.
试验结果表明 ,采用水平基准面两步法静校正 ,时间剖面反演深度误差最小 ;当基准面远离地表时 ,水平基准面一步法静校正也会产生较大的误差 ;非水平基准面两步法或一步法静校正 ,基准面的起伏越大 ,反演的深度误差越大 ,甚至出现构造假
The advantages of the two-step static correction using leve datum are expounded.
By using the analysis which is analogous to the corresponding method for linear optimization;the iteration complexity of the new algorithm is shown to be O(nlognlog(n/ε)),which is currently the best known complexity for large-update methods.
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