nematodosis of silkworm
- 1)nematodosis of silkworm,蚕线虫病2)silkworm disease and injurious insect,蚕病害虫3)silkworm parasitosis,蚕寄生虫病4)Nematode disease,线虫病害5)Stem nematode,茎线虫病6)stem-nematode,茎线虫病
Nongda 603, a mutant resistant to sweetpotato stem nematode (Ditylenchus destructor), was obtained from the gamma-irradiated progenies of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.
AFLP markers linked to stem nematode resistance gene were developed in sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas).
以甘薯(Ipomoea batatas)抗茎线虫病品种徐781和感茎线虫病品种徐薯18杂交F1分离群体的186株单株为材料,利用分离群体分组分析法(BSA法)和AFLP技术,在抗感池中共筛选了800对AFLP引物,结果表明,其中245对引物具有多态性。
Two hundred accessions of F1 population of Xu 781(high resistance) and Xushu 18(high susceptible) of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) were adopted to determine their resistance to stem-nematode, and their molecular markers linked to the resistance gene were detected by Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD).
以甘薯(Ipomoea batats)高抗品种徐781和高感品种徐薯18的200个后代为实验材料,对其进行抗病性鉴定和RAPD分析,获得与抗茎线虫病基因相连锁的RAPD标记OPD01-700。
More than 100 sweetpotato varieties inoculated with stem-nematodes in the field were evaluated subsequently for resistance to stem-nematode under field conditions from 2001 to 2003.
利用田间自然诱发方法对 100余份甘薯品种连续进行 3年茎线虫病的抗性鉴定,选取其中 21份抗、感性稳定的品种作为供试材料,含高抗品种 10个、抗病品种 2个、感病品种 2个、高感品种 7个。
Recovery of Chitin Amendments for Controlling Meloidogyne incognita
Citrus nematodiasis is one of major diseases on citrus plants.
The related research papers, in which the studies on proportion, status and trend of pine wood nematode were reported in recent years, were reviewed and analyzed.
prevalence of specific diseases or pests;
Investigation on Species and Distribution of Borer Pests in Diseased Stumps of Pine Wood Nematode
Dynamic Development of Aphelenchoides Besseyi on Rice Plant by Artificial Inoculations in Greenhouse;
A nematode worm(Syngamus trachea)that infects the tracheas of certain birds and causes gapes.
monitoring and forecasting of plant diseaseand insect pest
Filth breeds disease and vermin.
Detection of Pine Forest Area Changes in Regions Damaged by Bursaphelenchus Xylophilus in Zhejiang Province
Study on Insecticidal Activity of Symbiotic Bacteria from Entomopathogenic Nematodes;
Some communicable diseases are transmitted only through the agency of vermin or insects.
Affect on Natural Enemy Insect during Control Insect Pest in Forest
The key pests and rat include: nematodiasis of the pines and pine moth, forest rats, defoliator of the poplars, bristletail.
二是松毛虫、森林鼠害、杨树食叶害虫等常发性病虫害; 三是小蠹虫、萧氏松茎象等钻蛀性害虫。
Establishment of Expert System on Forest Diseases and Insect Pests Diagnosis and Pests Forecast
Study on Harmless Management of Main Plant Deseases and Insect Pests on Chaenomeles Spciosa(Sweet) Nakai;
The Establishment of Non-nuisance Rapeseed Diseases and Insect Pests Controlling Expert System;
Research on Low Public Hazard Integrated Control Technology of Tobacco Pest;
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