mole dilution enthalpy
- 1)mole dilution enthalpy,摩尔稀释焓2)dilution enthalpies,稀释焓3)Enthalpy of dilution,稀释焓4)Enthalpies of dilution,稀释焓5)dilution enthalpy,稀释焓6)chang of molar enthalpy,摩尔焓变
The dilution enthalpies of D-sorbitol and Dmannitol in water and sodium halide aqueous solutions were determined by isothermal microcalerimetry at 298.
15 K下D-甘露醇和D-山梨醇在纯水和卤化钠水溶液中的稀释焓,利用M cM illan理论计算了D-甘露醇和D-山梨醇在纯水和卤化钠水溶液中焓相互作用系数。
The dilution enthalpies of L alanine in sucrose water mixed solvents at 298 15 K were measured by using LKB2277 flow microcalorimetry.
利用LKB2 2 77生物活性检测仪测定了 2 98 15K时丙氨酸分别在不同组成的蔗糖 -水混合溶剂中的稀释焓 ,利用McMillan Mayer理论 ,计算了丙氨酸在不同组成的蔗糖 -水混合溶剂中的焓对相互作用系数h2 ,并与其在葡萄糖 -水混合溶剂中的焓对相互作用系数h2 进行了比较 。
The enthalpies of dilution of l\|serine in water/DMF mixtures (in 10% increments ranging from 5% to 45% DMF by mass) were measured with LKB 2277 Bio Activity Monitor at 298.
15K时 L-丝氨酸在水 / DMF混合溶剂 (浓度范围为 5%~ 4 5% ,以 10 %递增 )中的稀释焓进行了测量 ,结果表明 L-丝氨酸在各种溶液中的相对偏摩尔焓与质量摩尔浓度近似成线性关系 。
The enthalpies of dilution of glycine in water, DMF/water and ethanol/water mixtures (in 10% increments ranging from 5% to 45% DMF or ethanol by weight) have been measured with LKB 2277 Bio Activity Monitor at 298.
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