minimum allowable temperature
- 1)minimum allowable temperature,最低允许温度2)Permissible Minimum Metal Temperature,最低允许金属温度3)minimum altitude,最低允许高度4)Maximum allwable temperature,最高允许温度5)limiting high temperature,温度上限,最高允许温度6)allowable temperature,允许温度
Technology of increasing current-carrying capacity of overhead conductors by raising their allowable temperature and its application to 500 kV lines;
According to analyses the research findings and experimental data of home and abroad,from sustainable development and environment protection,the paper demonstrates the feasibility and economic function that the allowable temperature of copper core and aluminium twisted wire improves to 80℃.
文章通过分析国内外研究成果和实验数据,从可持续性发展和环境保护角度出发,论证了提高钢芯铝绞线导线允许温度到80℃的可行性和经济性,该成果有助于缓解110 kV西宁城网输电瓶颈迎峰过冬的燃眉之急。
A great number of both foreign and domestic test data shows: (1) The increase of the conductor allowable temperature up to 80℃ has no effect on the strength of the wire; (2) The strength of the aluminum steel reinforced wire at 80℃ is no lower than the calculated tensile force; (3) As the.
导线的允许温度由现行规范规定的 70℃提高到 80℃ ,可提高原有线路输送容量 2 0 % ,降低新建线路投资10 % ,具有显著的经济意义。
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