military training camp
- 1)military training camp,军事训练营2)CMTC (Citizens' Military Training Camp),国民军事训练营3)military training,军事训练4)Military training injuries,军事训练伤5)military training injury,军事训练伤6)military affairs without pollution,环保型军事训练
Correlation between neurobehavioral functions and performance of military training in servicemen;
An experimental study of influence of different training plans on changes in structure of Achillis tendon and its significance in military training;
Epidemiological survey of injuries in military training;
The compilation of "Diagnostic criteria, principles of prophylaxis and treatment of military training injuries;
With the increasing intensity and subjects of military training, military training injuries are becoming more and more prevalent, which can depress the combat effectiveness severely.
目前,随着军事训练强度的加大和训练科目的增多,部队军事训练伤(military training injuries, MTI)发生率居高不下,严重影响着部队官兵的训练效率。
The data concerning the military training injuries were collected and analyzed according to the "Diagnostic Criteria and Treatment Principle on Military Training Related Injury".
Objective:To investigate the incidence and distribution characteristics of special military training injury in naval ship troops and the effect of intervention on it.
目的 :查明海军舰艇部队特殊军事训练伤的发生率和分布特征 ,以及施加干预措施后军事训练伤发生率的变化。
Objective:To study the incidence of military training injury and the relationship between the status before enlistment and the occurrence of military training injuries after enlistment in recruits of Chinese People s Armed Police Forces(CPAPF),so as to provide scientific basis for working out prevention measures of training injuries and criteria for selecting recruits.
目的 :了解武警部队军事训练伤的发生率 ,探讨武警新兵入伍前状况与入伍后军事训练伤发生的关系 ,为制订训练伤预防措施及选兵标准提供科学依据 ,方法 :采用队列研究 ,选取80 7名男性武警新兵填写自行设计的调查表 ,依照《军事训练伤诊断标准与防治原则》进行军事训练伤的诊断 ,随访 1年。
The top 10 countries and regions,institutions and authors that published papers on military training injuries in 1997-2006 covered in Science Citation Index Expanded were analyzed based on the number of papers they published,total citations,citations of each paper,which showed the academic level of their research on military training injury and its trend.
以Science Citation Index Expanded数据库作为检索对象,从发文数量、总被引频次、篇均被引次数等方面对军事训练伤研究领域1997-2006年间发表论文居前10位的国家(地区)、机构和作者进行了统计分析,从论文计量的角度反映10年来各国(地区)军事训练伤研究的学术水平和发展动态。
The new concept, military affairs without pollution, was put forward; the serious pollution from S-4 smoke screen was analyzed; and two cleam-up methods were studied.
提出了环保型军事训练的概念 ,针对大量使用的S 4烟幕的严重污染 ,构建了基于引射技术利用碳酸钠细粉和直接通过三通阀利用氨水的 2种清除方法 。
military training, discipline, etc
军事训练、 纪律等
Military Theory and Military Training
On the Integration of Fitness Training and Military Training
Military Training Department
political work in military training
Military training fits men for long marches.
The PLA has enforced new military training regulations and strength-ened regularized training.
An Inquiry of the Military Training Injury in the Grading Test of a PLA Unit in 2007
His military training desensitized him.
Military Training Centre for United Nations Peacekeeping Operations
a simulated battle for training military commanders.
President Truman responded by calling for an extension of military training.
He should vote for compulsory military training for the horse.
Design and Implementation of an Achievement Management System for Military Training;
training soldiers in military procedures.
On Modern Military Physical Fitness Training;
To equip or train for war.
(British military slang) drill on a barracks square.
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