mahogany birch (Betula lenta L.)
- 1)mahogany birch (Betula lenta L.),山桦2)Kabayama Sukenori,桦山资纪3)Secondary Populus davidiana and Betula platyphylla forest,白桦山杨次生林4)Betula platyphylla and Populus davidiana forests,白桦林和山杨林5)the 80 years old secondary Betula platyphyll and Populus davidiana forests,白桦山杨成熟林6)the 20 years old secondary Betula platyphylla and Populus davidiana forests,白桦山杨幼林
Betula platyphylla and Populus davidiana forests of the forest\|steppe ecotone in northern Hebei and eastern Inner Mongolia are abundant in plants,which are,at least,35 families,95 genera and 117 species.
这种斑块状的白桦林和山杨林是森林—草原交错带显著的景观特点 ,也具有较高的生物多样性。
Studies on Population Ecology of Subalpine Birch Forests in the Northeast Border of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau;
Invertebrate biologist Snorre Hagen and his team at the University of Troms? in Norway monitored the leaves and flowers of a dozen mountain birch trees for two years.
Analysis of the Rational Production of Huashugou Mining Area in Jingtieshan Iron Mine;
Extraction of Betulin from Changbai Mountain Birch Bark, Synthesis of Its Derivatives and Study on Their Bioactivities;
Study on Gap Characteristics and Stability of Betula Albo-sinensis Forest in Taibai Mountains;
A Feasible Study on the Potherb Base Construction in Huanan Forestry Bureau;
Seasonal changes of soil respiration in Betula platyphylla forest in Changbai Mountain, China
Pattern analysis of different populations in natural secondary forest of Betula davurica in mountainous area of Beijing
Growth Process and Succession Trend of Polar-Birch Secondary Forests in Changbai Mountain,Northeast China
The Seed Bank in Logging Gaps in Populus davidiana-Betula platyphylla Secondary Forests in Changbai Mountain
Soil CO_2 released effluxes of Birch forest in the Changbai Mouhtains
Study on Reasonable Remaining Number Per Tuft of Sprouting Birch in Mountainous Area in Northern Hebei Province
Spatial Patterns and Associations in a Birch-fir Forest in Mt. Taibai
"The hardwoods are trees with broad leaves. Oak, beech, birch, sycamore, maple, mahogany, and teak are all hardwoods. "
Study on Natural Regeneration and Seed Germination Characteristics of Betula Albo-sinensis at MT.Taibai, China;
Photosynthetic Responses of Butula Albosinesis to Elevated Atmospheric CO_2 Concentation and Temperature in Subalpine of the Western Sichuan;
Response of Leaf Traits and Growth of Betula Ermanii to Altitude in Changbai Moutain;
长白山岳桦(Betula ermanii)叶性状和生长对海拔梯度响应研究
Spatial Pattern Analysis in a Natural Secondary Betula-Abies Forest at Sub-Alpine Area of Western Sichuan, China
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