locally finite complex



    1)locally finite complex,局部有限复形2)locally finite cell complex,局部有限胞腔复形3)locally finite,局部有限4)finite local,有限局部环5)locally finite group,局部有限群6)finite local ring,有限局部环


    The notion of base-countably paracompact space is introduced and some of its equivalent characterizations are obtained:(i)X is a base-countably paracompact space if there exsists an open basis B for X with |B|=ω(X) such that every countably open cover U={Ui}i∈N of X has a locally finite countabe refinement B′ by members of B,B′={Bi}i∈N and BiUi.


    Author mainly proves following:(1)X is a Base-paracompact space iff X is a Base-countably paracompact space and every open cover of X has a σ-locally finite open refinement by members of the basis which witnesses Base-countably paracompact space.


    In [4], the authors have proved that if a locally finite group is a core-finite, then it .


    Let R=Z/pk Z is a finite local ring of module integer pk,Let D i=O Di - Di O ,Δ ={Pi∈ GL2 si ( R) | Pi D i Pi′- D i=B},and matrix B=pμBis a arbitrary alternate matrix with order2 siover R,where p is a prime and k>1 ,Di=diag{pri,… ,pri},0 <ri<k,ri<μ≤ k,si≥ 1 .

    设 R=Z/pk Z是模整数 pk的有限局部环 ,Di=O Di-Di O ,B=pμB是 R上任意取定的 2 si阶交错阵 ,Δ={Pi∈ GL2 si( R) |Pi Di Pi′-Di=B},其中 Di=diag{pri,… ,pri},0

    The following results have been given: let R be a ring and G be a locally finite group,if the group ring RG is a left G-morphic ring,then R is a left G-morphic ring;if the group ring RH is a left G-morphic ring for every finite subgroup H of G,then the group ring RG is a left G-morphic ring.


    For every subgroup H of a locally finite group G, if H is a weakly semi-radicable group and H ≠ Hp for every p∈ π(H), then G is a locally nilpotent group and every Sylow p-subgroup of G is finite.

    证明了:①如果局部有限群G的每一个子群H是弱半根群且对任意p∈π(H)满足H≠Hp,那么G是局部幂零群而且每一个Sylow p-子群是有限群。

    Taking the set of all 3×3 alternate matrices over finite local ring Z/pmZ as the set of treatments.


    Let H be a 3×3 alternate matrices over finite local ring Z/pmZ.


    Nan jizhu takes the set of all 2× 2 alternate matrices over finite local ring as the set of treatments and obtains an association scheme with m associate classes,whose parameters are also computed.


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