inlaid snuff bottle
- 1)inlaid snuff bottle,镶嵌鼻烟壶2)snuff bottle,鼻烟壶3)agate snuff bottle,玛瑙鼻烟壶4)snuff-bottle with inside painting,内画鼻烟壶5)The Sunff Bottles of Pang Yuanji,庞元济藏鼻烟壶6)Glass snuff bottle,玻璃胎鼻烟壶
ang Yuanji,one of the greatest modern collectors in China,is famous for his collections of ancient paintings and calligraphy, yet he is also unique in his superb collection of the exquisite snuff bottles.
The Mongolian agate snuff bottle is an integration of the Mongolian culture taste and the Han s handicraft technique impacted deeply on the han s traditional handicraft industry.
A snuff-bottle with inside painting is made by painting pictures and practicing calligraphy inside trans or semi-trans bottle embryo.
The art of decorating snuff bottles from the inside originated in Beijing.
内画壶是鼻烟壶的一种。 内画技艺起源于北京。
Chinese snuff-Bottle has Been unparalleled up to now.
a jewelled ring, dagger, snuff-box, etc
镶宝石的戒指、 匕首、 鼻烟壶等.
The Study of Shandong Interior Painted Snuff Bottle and Its Industrialization;
I found a snuff box whilst digging the garden.
The Inner-bottle painting is a traditional handicraft in Hengshui.
At the beginning painter painted on the inside surface of the transparent glass or crystal snuff bottle.
"You are desperate," said the gentleman, taking out his snuff-box,"and I am sorry for you."
This diagnosis came from Tu Chu-chaff. He glanced at Wu Sun-fu, fumbled nervously for his snuff-box and gave it to him.
A good stone seal or a good snuff bottle could cost six or seven hundred dollars.
Wu Sun-fu took it, then turned on the servants furiously: "There are too many people crowding round.
He stole another glance at Tu Chu-chai, and saw that he was fiddling with his snuff-box and looking extremely worried.
他偷眼再看杜竹斋。 杜竹斋是心事很重的样子,左手的指头旋弄他那只鼻烟壶。
In this year, 1817, two things were popular: the Voltaire-Touquet and the snuff-box a la Charter.
The sense of Beauty such as remarkaBle Balance and refined elegance is also shown in the technique of making jade snuff Bottles in China.
The black soot deposited on a kettle by a smoky campfire is nearly pure carbon.
His picture Two Monkeys was awarded a prize for excellence by the 12th International Snuff Bottle Artists' Association in 1980.
Something, such as a chimney pot or a chamber pot, that resembles a round cooking vessel in appearance or function.
A whiff of cigarette smoke struck his nostrils.
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