handle of racker



    1)handle of racker,拍柄2)eight-sided racket handle,八角形拍柄3)beats,拍4)Beat,拍5)Paipai,拍拍6)auction,拍卖拍卖


    The phenomenon of beats can be observed directly on the double-channel oscillograph and the frequency of alternating current can be measured by the vibration curve of the beats.

    在双通道示波器上可直观地观测拍现象 ,并利用拍振动曲线测量交流电的频率。

    In this papaer,using double channel scope,the phenomenon of Lisaru figure and beats can be observed directly,the compose of simple harmonic motion on scope is deeply understood by the students.

    本文通过用双踪示波器来观察李萨如图形和“拍”现象 ,加深学生对两种特殊形式的简谐振动合成的理

    Nonlinear vortex-induced force identification on beat state of 1-D bluff body vertical vortex-induced vibration


    The relation between the symmetry of the beat figures and the frequency ratio n 1/n 2,the initial phases Ψ 1?Ψ 2 of the component of vibrations is analyzed.

    分析了拍图形的对称性与分振动的频率比n1/n2 及初相Ψ1、Ψ2 之间的关系 ,导出了不同的Ψ1、Ψ2 (0 ,π ,±π/ 2 )与Δn(Δn =n1-n2 为奇数或偶数 )的配搭情况下的拍图形对称性规律 ,得出了拍图形对称性决定于Ψ1、Ψ2 和Δn的结

    Refer to a type of handle with the middle protrude.


    Insert a small amount of hot glue or epoxy into the handle.


    Myth- The racket turning in your hand means you did not hold on tight enough.


    Shock Eraser Insert: Thermoplastic rubber core inside a thermoplastic elastomer butt cap is pressure fit into the shaft to reduce frame shock and vibration.


    a small racket with a long handle used for playing squash.


    Check again by tapping the racquet against your hand (fairly hard).


    The shaft of the server's racket at the instant of hitting the shuttle shall be pointing in a downward direction to such an extent that the whole head of the racket is discernible below the whole of the server's hand holding the racket.


    Players should replace their tennis racquet grip more often then they have their racquet re-strung. There is nothing like the feel of a clean, fresh grip when playing tennis.


    a game invented by American indians; now played by two teams who use long-handled rackets to catch and carry and throw the ball toward the opponents' goal.


    They typically feature some sort of handle system for dampening frame shock &vibration.


    The strong, elastic wood of this tree, used for furniture, tool handles, and sporting goods such as baseball bats.


    A sport played by volleying a shuttlecock back and forth over a high, narrow net by means of a light, long - handled racket.


    A sessile leaf has no petiole.


    A handle of a tool, such as an ax, a chisel, or a hammer.


    Faucet controls handle to Chan Bing and Shuang Bingzhi are divided.


    A flattened leafstalk that functions as a leaf, as in an acacia.


    A handle or hilt, especially the handle of a tool or weapon.


    a pedunculate flower; a pedunculate barnacle is attached to the substrate by a fleshy foot or stalk.
