fire up
- 1)fire up,生(起)2)Origin of life,生命起源3)the origin of organism,生物起源4)Neurite outgrowth,突起生长5)genital eminence,生殖隆起6)Life origin,生命起源
A Pilot Study on the Origin of Life,Growth and Development Based on the Traditional Dai Medical Literature—Gayashanhaya;
A new way of thinking about genetic code and homochirality, which remain the major difficulties in the field of the origin of life, is suggested.
In the study of origin of life,the research on the origin of proteins progressed relatively slowly.
Study on the promotion of adult rat DRGNs neurite outgrowth by protein kinase A catalytic subunit and its mechanism;
Effects of Inosine on Neuronal Protection and Neurite Outgrowth of Rat Pheochromocytoma (PC12) Cells;
Objective To observe the effects of different membrane proteins and dimethylsulfoxide on neurite outgrowth of cerebellum granule cells(CGC).
The tissue and form of genital eminence of 860 young turkeys at age of one day(10 batches of incubation) were observed by taking photographs and drawing,through the dissection and observation of sexual organ i.
The living environment of Archaea resembles the environment of early life origin.
在海底黑烟囱周围高温、高压、黑暗、缺氧、含硫等极端环境中 ,生活着特殊的深海生物群落 ,它们的初级生产者嗜热细菌和古细菌 ,在基因组序列上最接近地球上原始的祖先 ,生活环境也与生命起源时地球上的高温、缺氧环境非常类似。
The study of life origin is an antiquity and much concerned issue in the science field.
为了揭开生命起源的奥秘 ,一方面要对远古环境进行充分的研究 ,正确了解生命产生的初始环境 ;另一方面 ,要通过实验模拟 ,找出恰当的水、气、岩矿及物化条件组
This paper analyzed the possible action approach of liquid-crystal state in life formation with the Prigogine self-organization theory of dissipation structure, which was studied from the aspects of phylogeny and ontogeny of life origin.
从生命起源的系统演化及生物的个体发育两方面 ,运用普利高津耗散结构的自组织理论分析了液晶态在生命启动中可能的作用途径 ,对生命的形成提出了几点新认识 ,并从分子生物学及太极八卦的统一物场思路的角度对中心法则做出新的解释。
It is meaningful to study the origin of life.
The Origin of Life and Future of Humans
On the Definition of Life and the Prerequisite of the Origins of Life;
The supposed development of living organisms from nonliving matter.
prebiological organic chemicals.
the Italian beginning of the Renaissance; Jupiter was the origin of the radiation; Pittsburgh is the source of the Ohio River; communism's Russian root.
a mechanisticexplanation of the origin of life
New Art s Charactors Life from the Chinese Ancient Insulators;
Are there strangers in space?
One of the things we're trying to look at is prebiotic seif-organisation, chemical seif-organisation .
Once the earth formed4.5 billion years ago, asteroid impacts periodically shattered and sterilized the planet's surface for another half a billion years.
The New Points with the Origin of Life and the Evolution of Organism:the Engendering of Original Consciousness and Double Evolutions of Matter and Consciousness;
To Study the Origin of Ethic in the Perspective of Ethnic Mythology;
a branch of paleontology that deals with the origin and growth and structure of fossil animals and plants as living organisms.
"Poetic Revolution" and Sources of the 20th Century poetry of China;
Life seems to have originated in the primordial oceans that covered the Earth four billion years ago.
a hypothetical organic phenomenon by which living organisms are created from nonliving matter.
But in1977 a startling discovery challenged conventional wisdom about life's fragility and, perhaps, its origins.
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